Chapter 2

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As the airplane flew by, Peter was opening his window and looking out at the view and smiled happily.

Then Ned tapped him on the shoulder, excitedly.

"Yeah!" he said.

"Can you help me get my stuff up?" Man 1 asked.

"Oh, sorry, that's mine." woman 1 said.

"No worries." Man 2 said.

Then Betty came in, waving at some people and Harrington came behind her, looking around the place.

"Do you want the first shift or the second? I could take either." Harrington said.

"Give me the third shift. I took an Ambien." Dell said.

"I can't chaperone these kids alone."

Suddenly, a familiar voice could be heard from the other side of the plane. It was Flash holding a drink in his hand.

"Yo, Parker! This, is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to," he said as MJ walked by. "except it flies over the poor neighborhoods instead of driving through them." he said and MJ leaned over to the flight attendant with Brad.

"Ma'am?" MJ said.

"Mm-hm?" the flight attendant said.

"He blipped, so technically, he's 16, not 21."

Flash blinked at MJ as the flight attendant reached to grab his drink out of his hand. He looked down as she grabbed it.

"I'll take that." the flight attendant said and people started laughing as Flash's eyes went big and he turned to her.

"She's lying! I don't even know this girl." Flash said and MJ turned around to the boys sitting there as Flash left and looked at them then lifted her chin up in a 'hi' kind of way. Brad smiled at them as he passed by.

"Classic MJ, right?" Brad said.

Harley looked over at Brad with a creeped-out expression as Ned sat there with a cool one and turned his head as Peter started talking.

"Did you know Brad was coming?" "Peter asked and Ned shook his head.

"It- It's so weird. Like, one day, he's that kid who cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly, we Blip back, and he's totally ripped and super nice and all these girls are after him." Ned said.

Then they turned back around from watching Brad and MJ put their stuff in the overhead compartments.

"Not all the girls are after him." Peter said.

"No, man. They're all after him."

MJ and Brad were helping each other out.

"Yeah. Here." MJ said giggling.

Then Ned turned back around.

"Anyway, on to more important things." he said then unzips his bag and showed Peter what he has. "It's a nine-hour flight. We can play Beast Slayers the whole time."

Harley looked at Peter for a split second before leaned into Ned's ear to whisper.

"I need your help to sit next to Peter." he whispered and Ned rolled his eyes as he sighed and Harley looked back at Peter again.


"Yes, seriously."

"What about all my plan? American bachelor in Europe!"

"That's your plan! That's a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan." Harley said and Ned looked at him with solemn eyes then turned around and back again to see Harley looking desperately at him. "Please." he said and Ned rolled his eyes as his head leans back.

Then he got up from his seat over to MJ and Betty, who were sitting next to each other and they looked up at him.

"He's allergic to perfume?" Betty said and Ned stayed silent and shook his head.

"Yeah, yeah, because it- it makes his eyes water, and he can't really-" Ned started.

"Huh?" Peter said confused as Harrington turned around in his seat after eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Peter has a perfume allergy?" Harrington said.

"Oh, uh..." Ned said.

"From experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already. MJ, stand up." Harrington said and got up from his seat as Harley did and MJ stood up as Harrington gave orders. "Ned, take MJ's spot. MJ, you take my spot." he said and turned toward Peter. "Peter, let's get you out of there.

"Sorry." MJ said.

"Zach and Sebastian, you take Ned and Peter's seats."

"That's all right." Brad said.

"Ned, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Your safety is my responsibility and Mr. Dell's, but he's..." Harrington said then saw Dell snoring. "I got it for now. Let's go, Peter!" Harrington said and Harley looked at him like he's gone bonkers while Peter picked up his bag. "Let's go!" he said and Peter moved to his spot.

Ned sat down next to Betty, who looked depressed while Peter passed by Harrington and sat down at the spot next to him.

"Yeah, I have a small bladder, so I took the aisle." Harrington said and Ned turned around to Betty.

"So did you want to play Beast Slayer?" Ned asked.

"Nope." she said and then had awkward silence.

"Have you ever played any kind of PC game or-?"

"No." she said and he nodded.

"Got it."

Meanwhile Peter was in the back with Harrington, looking upset as the teacher was telling a story.

"Did I ever tell you how my wife pretended to Blip out?" Harrington said but Peter didn't answer. "Turns out, she ran off with a guy in her hiking group. We had a fake funeral for her and everything. Well, the funeral was real because I thought she was really dead. Wanna see the video?"

"Well, I've gotta dual headphone adapter if you wanna watch a movie." Brad said.

"Only if it's depressing, or hilarious." MJ said.

"Oh you have a dual headphone adapter. We can watch together." Harrington said to Peter.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Flight time today will be eight hours and forty-nine minutes to Venice, Italy." the pilot said.

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