chapter 2

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Later that day, Y/N was walking through the hallways to lunch when someone ran up and jumped on you back*

Mina: Y/N.

You: huh oh hey Mina.

Mina: Hey, I didn't expect you to come to U.A. But it's amazing to see you again.

You: It's amazing to see you as well, Mina.

Mina: So when exactly were you planning on telling me you were Mr. Aizawa daughter.

You: Well, I planned on telling you at some point.

Mina: So, are you gonna be living in the dorms with 1-A.

You: Yeah.

Mira: Cool, I wanna see your room after you're finished with it.

You: Alright.

Later that day

You and Mina were sitting at lunch with the Bakugo squad.

Mina: Hey guys. *She said happily as we sat down together.*

Denki: Hey Mina, hey Y/N.

You: H-hi. *I said nervously* So Mina, are they your friends.

Mina: Yep, go on and introduce yourselves.

Kirishima: My name's Eijiro Kirishima. My quirk is hardening.

Denki: My name's Denki Karminari. I have an electrification quirk.

Sero: Hanta Sero I have a tape quirk.

Bakugo: I'm Bakugo Katsuki. My quirk is explosion.

Kirishima: Say didn't you go to Mustafa Private Middle School.

You: Yeah, but only for one year.

Kirishima: Why'd you leave.

You: I would rather not talk about it.

Denki: So how long have you girls known each other.

Mina: I've known Y/N since we were in elementary school she was a very shy kid it was honestly adorable. But she's honestly the complete opposite from Mr. Aizawa. Although she does have his wanting to sleep all the time personality she has a similar quirk to him.

Denki: What's your quirk.

You: My quirk is removal although unlike my dad where he can only erase a quirk for a short time until he blinks my quirk by me touching someone with my hand erase one quirks for hours and it doesn't matter if I blink. But I can also fully erase a quirk forever, labeling them quirk less if my hand touches them for more than a minute.

Kirishima: No way seriously. You can take away someone quirk. Have you done it before.

You: Yes, I have taken someone quirk not intentionally, though.

Denki: When was that.

You: I always got harassed by people when I was little and one day I was getting beat up by a few kids and I grabbed their arms and their quirks disappeared as you could tell they turned quirk less. Although we only knew that because they were using their quirks on me, although I didn't know, my quirk was cable of making someone quirk less until that day. Then I got myself involved with the police due to their parents, and they ended up talking to my father, and it all went from their.

Bakugo: So you basically found out you could turn people quirk less.

You: Yeah, although I began having to wear a quirk canceling bracelet because my quirks are uncontrollable. So dad got me the bracelet, although I don't like particularly touching people now after that.

Sero: Is that so who's your mom.

You: My mom's Anna Aizawa, but I never nessarly knew my mother.

Sero: Why didn't you know your mother.

You: Well, from what I was told after, my mom died an hour after I was born.

Sero: Oh, sorry to hear that. So Mr. Aizawa raised you on his own then.

You: Not fully on his own, my uncle Hizashi, but you know my uncle by his hero name, Present Mic.

Mina: Wait, so your uncle that you talked about is Present Mic.

You: Yep, although me and dad ain't related to Present Mic, he's just a long-time friend of my dad's from when they were students at U.A. So I've known him since I was born and consider him as my uncle in a way. Although my aunt Nemuri A.K.A. is midnight as my aunt. *I said, then I saw Shinsou looking over at you, and you smiled. Then Mina saw and smirked*

Mina: So Y/N can I drop by your room later and see what you done with it.

Denki: Can we as well

You: Sure, I guess.

Mina: Cool. *After that lunch went on and they kept getting to know each other*

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