chapter 5

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Later after school you were walking to the dorms with Mina, Uraraka, and Eri which you all were happy as can be*

Uraraka: Hey is Eri coming to the dorms.

You: Yep she asked to hangout with me so we're gonna hangout with Shinsou.

Uraraka: Wait Shinsou Hitoshi from class 1-C.

You: Yep you know him.

Uraraka: We met him a few times I ain't friends or anything.

You: Oh really well I went to school with him last year at Nabu Middle School although we never talked due to I was shy.

Uraraka: I see.

Shinsou: Y/N. *He said then you all turned and seen Shinsou*

You: Hey Shinsou. *I said smiling*

Mina: Hey Ochaco we should leave them.

Ochaco: Okay bye guys I'll see you later.

You: Alright bye Mina and Ochaco.

Shinsou: Who's that little girl.

You: This is Eri dad helps raise her I call her my little sister. But she will be hangout with us today at the dorms if it's okay.

Shinsou: It's fine. *Thinking: As long as I can hangout with her that matters.*

You: Alright. *I said smiling then you three walked together*

Eri: Hey Y/N do you have Jay in your dorm.

You: Yeah he's in my dorm.

Shinsou: Who's Jay.

You: Jay is my kitten dad bought me so I'm not lonely at home since he's always working. Plus Jay is also my support cat because I have anxiety badly due to some things. But since I moved into the dorms dad let me keep Jay in my dorm as long as I take care of him.

Shinsou: Oh you like cats.

You: Yeah I love them their supper adorable and cuddly what animal do you like.

Shinsou: I like cats.

You: That's cool so we have something In common. *I said smiling as we came up to the dorms then you three went inside and seen the others. Then you all went up to your dorm room and you all heard loud meowing then you opened the door to see Jay watching TV and tapping the screen.

You: I see me turning on fish for you kept you occupied. *I said then Jay turned to you then you went and picked him up and brought him over.

Eri: Can I pet Jay.

You: Sure go ahead Eri. *I said then she petted jay.* You wanna pet Jay Shinsou.

Shinsou: Sure. *he said petting Jay then Jay began purring loudly*

You: Awe he loves you.

Eri: Hey can me and Jay please watch a princess movie.

You: of course get on my bed and I'll turn on a movie for you. *I said then Eri went and got on the bed with Jay then you turned on Disney plus* What princess movie do you want to watch.

Eri: I wanna watch Cinderella.

You: Alright. *I said then I turned on Cinderella and you then covered her up and Jay laid on top of the blanket. Which Shinsou couldn't help but think of you acting like a mother figure to Eri and honestly with how shy and semi cold you were back in nabu he didn't expect to see you act like this. Then you went and sat on the floor with Shinsou. Then you both worked on your guys homework while you talked* Sorry I don't got much we can do in here.

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