chapter 8

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It was Friday, and all week, you've been avoiding Shinsou. After she got out of school, we were at the dorms with mina, and you were both doing homework.

Mina: You mind talking about what got you depressed.

You: Well Tuesday I talked to Shinsou, and he told me he thinks people are annoying and doesn't like being around them. Which Shinsou can have his opinion on people is his perspective. But when he said annoying and doesn't like people, it kinda brought back memories. Like I said, I don't care. Shinsou can have his opinion and everything. But I just can't, but remember what all those students did and said about me? I hate it. I just wanna kill myself because I don't want to feel like this anymore. *I said crying, then Mina hugged me*

Mina: Don't say that you're not gonna kill yourself. Plus, I promise I won't let you go through that again. Plus, I'd think I'd you died I'd be sad I'd lost my childhood friend, and Aizawa definitely would be sad because he would've lost his only child. Plus, I doubt eri would like to lose you either because she talks about you all the time. So you can't kill yourself you'll leave a lot of people who care about you behind do you want that.

You: No, but I just don't want to suffer through all of this anymore. I wanna be happy again, but everything reminds me so much of what happened.

Mina: Yeah, and you will be happy again. I promise you just need to keep your head up, and everything will be okay.  Because from now on I'll be with you. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk with me. I'll listen understand Y/N.

You: Alright.

Mina: Say hey, how about we do something fun.

You: Like what.

Mina: Well, how about we watch a movie together.

You: Alright, hey, can we watch Fairytail Dragon cry.

Mina: Of course, how about I go make us some popcorn for the movie.

You: Alright. *I said yawning, then Mina left*

Later that night, it was six, and Shinsou was out with Aizawa training. After a long day of training, Shinsou began talking to Aizawa*

Aizawa: Good work today, Shinsou.

Shinsou: Thanks. Aizawa said I'd like to ask you about your daughter."

Aizawa: What about my daughter.

Shinsou: What's up with her recently two days she's all happy and talking to me now she avoids me.

Aizawa: Avoid she normally avoids people when she's going through another depression phase.

Shinsou: She's got depression why.

Aizawa: Some things happened to her in leaving her tramatised suicidal and everything else. So why I'm so overprotective of her being around you or any boys alone is because the thing that happened involved boys. So I would rather her not remember what happened. Because I rather her not trying to kill herself again and me having to put her back in a mental hospital for another six months.

Shinsou: What happened? *He said, thinking with how he talked, it's probably rape or something*

Aizawa: That's not any of your concerns. Now our training is done for the day so I'm leaving. "He said, then Shinsou followed him."

Back with Y/N and Mina, they just got done watching Fairytail dragon cry movie. While you cuddled with Jay Jay.

Mina: This is a good movie.

You: Yeah. *Just then, they heard a knock on the door*

Aizawa: Y/N.

You: Come on, dad. *I said, then he opened the door to see you and Jay Jay on your bed while Mina was reclined back on the couch*

Mina: Hey, Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: Hello.

You: So what are you doing here, dad?

Aizawa: I'd like to speak with you alone.

Mina: I'll come back later by Y/N.

You: Bye. *I said smiling, then Aizawa shut the door*

Aizawa: Is everything okay.

You: Hmm, yeah, why.

Aizawa: I've noticed something off about you is something going on.

You: No theirs nothing going on.

Aizawa: You know I've known for seventeen years I can tell when you lie, so what's going on.

You: It's just memories from the past are  back, and it's stressing me out.

Aizawa: Is someone messing with you again.

You: No, nobody messing with me it's just someone said something, and it just brought what people told me back.

Aizawa: What did they say.

You: Well, look, Shinsou said he hates people because their quite annoying, which I don't care about what he thinks of people. But it's just that people always called me annoying, and they hate me. Although when they called me that, they bashed my head into the brick wall, as you know. So I just couldn't help but remember what the kids said about me. I don't want you to be mad at Shinsou or anything because I think people should have their own opinions, plus now, like he knows my past. But I'm just tired of remembering all this bad things I just wanna be happy dad I want to enjoy my life and I don't want to concern auntie Nemuri because she wants me to get close with other. But when I try getting close to people, all those memories come back, and I just hate it.

Aizawa: Look, it's gonna be okay, and you will be happy. But you shouldn't force yourself to please Nemuri if you aren't comfortable around others. Because yes, Nemuri wants you to be more open and make friends, but none of us want you to please. Because we understand it's not easy for you to trust and be close to people. Which you trying to force yourself to get close with other isn't gonna do anything except bring you pain and depression. Which is something none of us wants that. So, if you don't want to talk, then just don't do it understand.

You: Yeah, I understand. Sorry, dad.

Aizawa: It's fine. Just don't stress yourself out.

You: Okay thanks dad so what did you do today.

Aizawa: Nothing much teached patrolled and trained a student.

You: By the way, who the hell is the student? Your training.

Aizawa: Shinsou.

You: Your training him.

Aizawa: Yeah, which he asked why you're avoiding him, so I figured something was up, so I came to talk.

You: Is that so we'll me and Mina were just watching a movie with Jay Jay.

Aizawa: Alright then, I'll get out of here bye Y/N.

You: Bye dad.

After that, the night went on smoothly.

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