chapter 1

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It was a bright and shiny morning, and (Y/N) was walking around the streets of Musutafu, Japan, heading towards U.A. for your first day at U.A.

You: it's sure a beautiful day out.

*You said, and you got distracted by the cars passing by. Then she bumped into someone and fell down.

???: Hey, are you okay. *A boy said, then I looked up and saw a lavender haired boy*

You: Oh yes, I'm sorry for bumping into you. *I said, getting up*

Shinsou: It's alright. *Thinking: She looks kinda like Mr. Aizawa. Wait, she's wearing U.A school uniform.*

You: Sorry again. *I said nervously* *thinking: Wow, he's cute.*

Shinsou: Oh really, that's good. So I see you're wearing U.A high school uniform, so are you a student there?

You: Yeah, today my first day their.

Shinsou: Wait, you're a new student.

You: Yeah, but I kinda got lost. So, by any chance, do you know where U.A. is?

Shinsou: Yes, just follow me, and I'll walk you their since I'm going their myself.

You: Thanks. *I said smiling at him* So what's your name.

Shinsou: My name's Hitoshi Shinsou. What's yours.

You: Well, it's nice to meet you Shinsou my name's Y/N Aizawa. *I said smiling at him and when he heard you say your last name is Shinsou went wide eyed because that's the same name as the girl from his middle school although not only that is that you have the same last name as his mentor*

Shinsou: Wait, could you be related to Shouta Aizawa.

You: Yeah, he's my dad.

Shinsou: Huh, I never expected he'd have a kid knowing him.

You: Well, my father likes keeping his personal life secret. Which only my uncle Hizashi knows of me. But my aunt nemuri and uncle Hizashi is an underground pro hero like my father, whose all their hero names are Eraserhead, which is my dad. Then my uncle Hizashi hero name is Present Mic. My aunt name is midnight. *I said smiling, then I quickly stopped talking. * Uh, s-sorry, I'm talking too much.

Shinsou: It's fine. You're not talking that much. *Thinking: Hmm, she's different from Aizawa.*

You: Oh really, that's good. *Whispers: I thought he'd find me annoying like everyone else.* *I said looking in the opposite direction then I didn't speak a word until we got to U.A* Alright well thank you for helping me to school Hitoshi and it was nice meeting you. Well, I'm gonna get going by shinsou. *I said, looking at the ground, then I left, and Shinsou stood wondering what's up with her. Then Shinsou went off to class.*

Time skip once I got to a big door that said 1-A I breathed in and out*

You: Alright. *I said then I opened the door then I walked inside and saw a bunch of students and didn't see Aizawa at all. Being in a class full of students alone was bringing back a horrible memory from back in middle school. Everyone looked at her, and then you felt someone hand on your shoulder.*

Aizawa: You finally arrive Y/N you don't gotta worry.

You: R-right. *I said, calming down and shaking of the memory.*

Aizawa: Now if you have any problems come to me alright.

You: Yes. *I said, looking down*

Aizawa: Alright, class, take your seats, and we got a new student. *He said, and everyone sat down.* Come introduce yourself to the class.

You: Yes. *I said, going over to the front of the class, which the half of the class realized you two looked like. * I-i'm Y/N Aizawa, and my quirk is removal. *I said, looking at the class which I saw a familiar girl, Mina Ashido, your childhood friend that you hadn't seen in years. She was in as much shock as you were.*

Mineta: No way Aizawa you have a daughter?

Aizawa: Yes, I do now Y/N can you go sit in the back of the class. *He said then I quickly walked to the back of the class quite. Then I went and sat in my seat."

You: Alright. *I said then class began, and some of the students in the back were looking at me.*

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