chapter 7

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The next day, it was Thursday. Y/N got up, got ready for school, then went downstairs where she was met with Mina*

Mina: Morning Y/N.

You: Morning Mina.

Uraraka: Hey, are you okay? Y/N.

You: What do you mean.

Uraraka: Well, you were sad yesterday.

You: I got a fight and broke up with my boyfriend. *I said which Mina was a smart girl so she could tell I was lying*

Uraraka: Wait, you had a boyfriend.

You: Yeah, we got into a heated argument, and I dumped him and just wanted to be left alone with Jay Jay. I'm so sorry for worrying you all.

Uraraka: It's alright.

Mina: Y/N I'd like to speak with you. *She said then you walked off with her* What's really going on because you don't have a boyfriend.

You: Look, something's happened that had to do with me remembering the bullying and everything, and I got upset because I'm still honestly traumatised by what all happened. So I just needed alone time with Jay Jay. But I don't want them to pester me into telling them what happened. So I just said I got into a fight with my boyfriend.

Mina: Alright, well I'd you ever wanna have a girl's talk. I'm always here for you.

You: I know, and thanks for being a good friend.

Mina: No problem, now let's go eat.

You: Alright. *Is said then I went and sat down with Mina and the girls* Morning girls.

Momo: Morning, I heard from Uraraka that you fought with your boyfriend.

You: Yeah, we just got in a bit of an argument.

Uraraka: Are you doing anything this weekend.

You: Yeah, I gotta work this weekend.

Jirou: Where do you work.

You: That's a secret.

Mina: Come on, please, Y/N.

You: No can do. *I said smiling then we all finished eating and went to school*

After the girls got to school, Mina walked with you.

Mina: Say when you started liking cosplay.

You: I've liked cosplaying since I was 12 it was actually an embarrassing secret.

Mina: Oh, really now. *She said smiling as they walked on together then they saw Shinsou and Mina smiled at you and you looked down at the growed as you walked past*

Shinsou: Y/N.

You: Oh, look at the time. I think I just heard my dad calling. *I said, leaving quickly, which Mina and Shinsou looked at each other*

Shinsou: What's up with her.

Mina: She has some things going on, so you should try talking later by Shinsou. *She said then she went after you, which oddly enough for the first time Shinsou felt irritated being ignored. Because he's particularly never been the one for carrying much about dealing with others*

Later that day, class 1-A was out training together , and you were extremely anxious about using your quirk. But you know the only way to become a pro hero is that you can't worry about the possibilities of your quirk.

Mineta: Wow, Y/N looks super hot, and look how big her boobs are. "He said, then your hair began sanding up as your scarf began floating*

You: What did you say to you? *I said, glaring at him and Denki and Mineta we're honestly scared*

Mineta: She's as terrifying as Mr. Aizawa.

You: Yeah, well, I'm worse than my dad, so if you touch me, your little ass will be hanging off the school building, you nasty perv. *I said smiling, and Mineta hid behind Denki, then your hair and everything went back to normal.*

Sero: Wow, you can scare Mineta.

Aizawa: Alright, today you'll be partnering up fighting each other. Now, first will be Y/N and Bakugo.

Bakugo: I'm not gonna lose to that extra.

You: You know you talk big, but you your ass ain't gonna last long. *I said, then we walked over to the field area to fight.

Aizawa: Alright, go. *He said then Bakugo went running while you stood as your hair went up in the hair air along with your scarf which you threw your scarf straight at Bakugo which wrapped around his whole body which you pulled Bakugo straight at you making him stand Infront of you as you smirked

You: lookie here I caught a grouchy blond big boy. *I said smiling as I put my hand on Bakugo face for ten seconds, then took my hand off him. Then I released Bakugo from my binds and smiled, which Bakugo tried using his quirk.

Bakugo: What the hell did you do to my quirk.

You: When I touched you, I erased your quirk, and unlike dad, I can erase a quirk, and it can last for one too five hours. But if I hold on for more than thirty seconds, I can turn one fully quirkless. *I then put back on the quirk canceling bracelet and my eyes and hair went back to normal.* So with that being said I told you your not gonna last long and that's why how did I do dad.

Aizawa: You did good, and Bakugo, you need to be quicker at moving.

Sero: So that's what she'd be capable of. *He said as you began yawning, then you sat cross-legged on the ground watching*

Aizawa: Don't you think of falling asleep, brat?

You: Come on, dad, I'm tired after using my quirk.

Aizawa: I wanna sleep too but I have to teach you and the class so if I can stay awake you can too.

You: Fine. *I said, crossing my arm. Which your scarf covered up to your nose as you watched the others which the class could help but watch you and Aizawa because how resembling you two are I mean they all know your his daughter but the way you look at people and how you wanna sleep after using your quirk.*

Later after class all you headed back inside the school they got changed and went back to class and the day went on smoothly although Bakugo need list to say wasn't an ounce pleased with you taking his quirk. But did you care not in the slightest. But Aizawa was honestly proud you used your quirk without hesitation. But the rest of the day you avoided Shinsou.*

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