chapter 14

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It has been a month, and Shinsou and Y/N have hung out every day, getting closer as time passed.

Y/N was studying with Shinsou in her dorm.

You: Alright, it looks like I'm done. *I said, shutting my book which shinsou shut his book as well.

Shinsou: Hey Y/N, how's your quick training been going. Have you gotten your quirk any closer to it being under control.

You: Ah yeah, it's okay! I can manage to keep it under check. But to make sure what happens again. I have to work even harder. I have to hurry and get to the point where I can use my quirk properly.

Shinso: Y/N, you're the type of person who shoulders all of their burdens alone, ain't you?

You: Eh, what makes you say that?

Shinso: I guess you were making a face like you've been pushing yourself too hard.

You: Th-That's not true? I went to dad to ask for advice about it all the time. *thinking: to say that I shoulder all my burdens alone.*

Shinso: Well, I think going to other people about advice about stuff like that is a given. I mean, in an emotional sense.


Shinso: Things like "I feel sad" or "I'm going through a rough time." You don't seem like you'd say that to other people all that often. But if I'm wrong, that's a good thing. Everything in moderation, they say that includes persistence.

*shinso froze seeing you had tears in you eyes*

Shinsou:... Um.

You: Oh, Ah- sorry. All of a sudden, I just. It's true. I might've been bottling up a lot about my quirk and everything around that. *thinking: But with a single comment from Hitoshi, I.*

Y/N cried even more, which shocked shinsou.

Shinsou: *thinking: Need something to wipe her eyes. But it's her room. I can't go rampaging through her things. Screw it. *shinsou tugged her by the back of her head so her face was in his shoulder*

You: Wa. Hi-hitoshi, I'll get your clothes dirty!

Shinso: It's alright. Let's stay like this until your tears have stopped. *he said, and you laid your head on his shoulder, which to say Shinsou liked being this close to you would be an understatement.

You: I'm sorry, thank you.

Three minutes later.

You: I feel better now. I do thank you. *she said, rubbing her eyes* Sorry, I dirtied your shirt more than I thought I would. I'll wash it..

Shinso: Like I said, it's fine. I was gonna wash it today anyway. Are you okay just letting it out? I'm happy to listen if you want to vent, whether it's something you're worried about or even just idle complaining.

You: *thinking: There are so many things I want to talk about, but it's not like I can talk to Hitoshi about it.* I appreciate that, but it's okay. I feel a lot better after crying.

Shinso: I see. *he said, rubbing your eye* Your eyes are swollen. You should apply a cold compress with a damp towel.

You: Thank you, Hitoshi. You're really kind.

Shinso then blushed a little

Shinso: Y/N.

You: Hmm?

Shinso: If you ever feel like crying again, would you give me a call?

You: Eh.? *I said surprised*

Shinso: I know you're strong, but. I'm sure you still have days like today when you can't help but wanna cry. So whenever that happens. I'll be there to dry your tears, is what I was thinking.

You: *blushing* *thinking: amazing!! It's like a line from a marriage proposal!!! Hitoshi says such cool things. "Thank you, that makes me happy! But you know if you say things like that, I'd be ready to fall in love with you. It feels like I'm being proposed to!

Shinso: *blushing* Ah yeah, I said it with that attention.

You: Huh? *I said dumb founded*

Shinso: Well, rather than proposing, it was more like a roundabout way of saying, "I like you please go out with me." Good job picking up on that. Through it, it seems like things would over your head.

You: *blushing* Like?! Are you serious!? It's me, you know!? *I said shocked*

Shinso: Do I look like I'm joking?

You: No, you don't!! No, seriously, this is the first time I've been confessed to in my life.

Shinso: Sorry for saying something disgusting.

You: No, not at all. I don't think it's disgusting at all. It's just that.. i was just surprised by it all.

Shinso: *thinking: Does this mean I got a chance?* *shinso then got up*

You: Eh.

Shinso: I'm glad as long as I've conveyed my feelings. I'm not expecting an immediate answer from you, but.. I'm looking forward to hearing your feelings. Alright then, goodnight.

You: Ah. *I said blushing then shinso shut the door* *thinking: No way.. After being treated, I am so kindly and getting confessed to like that. How can I not like him back.

*outside with shinso*

Shinso: *blushing* *thinking: I went and said it.* *he through walking back to his dormitory*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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