Act 3

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Basic Info

Bio Name: Harry James Potter

Adopted Name: Harlow James Potter Stewart

Bio Mother: Lily Potter (deceased)

Bio Father: James Potter (deceased)

Adoptive Father: Nickolas Stewart (accepted by magic)

Godparents: Remus lupin, sirius black(incarcerated, innocent), Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Alice Longbottom (Deemed insane)

Siblings: Rowan Stewart( Accepted by magic)

God siblings: Draco Malfoy, Neville longbottom

Evans (mother)
Potter (father)
Perrvel (father)
Gryffindor (father)
Slytherin (conquest)
Ravenclaw (magic)
Emrys (magic)
La fey (magic)
Pendragon (magic)

Black (godfather)
Prince (godfather)
Snape (godfather)
McGonagall (godmother)
Lupin (godfather)
Pomfrey (godmother)
Longbottom (godmother)
Hufflepuff (through longbottom)

Properties and vaults:
Many vaults and properties per heir and lordships.(I don't feel like writing everything out he has a lot of money and properties and stuff.)

(Some may be unknown until magical maturity)
Metamorph ( what tonks has)
amagmus (can turn into animals)
Elemental magic
Natural occulancy and legetamancy (the mind stuff)

Creature inheritance: unknown until 16

Mate(s): unknown until 16

Blocks and potions:
Loyalty to Dumbledore, Weasleys, the light side
Trust of Dumbledore, the light side
Distrust of Slytherin, the dark side, Snape
Love poiton for Ginny Weasley
Distraction potion
Magic core block
Mate block
Creature inheritance block
Memory block
Confidence block
All blocks placed by Albus Dumbledore
All blocks broken by lady magic

I gaze at the writing on the page in shock. I have godparents, why didn't I go to any of them when my parents died? I'm the lord and heir of so many houses. I am a creature and will have at least one mate. Who is this Albus Dumbledore and why did he place so many things on me?

After I while of staring I look back up at the goblin. "What does this all mean?" I hand the paper to him.

The goblin looks at it in aw and then in anger. " Lord Emrys it shows that the same person who has been illegal taking money from your vaults placed a load of spells on you and placed you with the incorrect people." I nod in slight shock. " What would you like to do about your vaults?"

" I would like every single thing taken from me to be returned with interest."

"Of course lord Emrys. Because you have finished your NEWTs you can claim your lord and heirships would you like to claim them?"

"Yes please."

He leaves and comes back with many different boxes. "When you claim these you will have seats in wizarding court and a lot of votes. You are expected to go there when there is a meeting is that alright?"


"Ok. Here is the lordship rings when all on they will combined into a thick silver bracelet with all the coat of arms."

I nod my head and start to pull out the rings. They are all on silver bands with different centers. First is Potter it shows a stag on a red background. Evens is green with leaves. Perrvel is white with the sign of the hollows in black. Gryffindor is red with a lion. Slytherin is green with a snake. Ravenclaw is blue with a raven. Emrys is purple with a silver wand shooting sparks. La fey is silver with a black wand shooting sparks and Pendragon is red with a gold crown.

Once I put them all on the combine to become a bracelet with Emrys in the center descending in order of power. Pendragon is to the left, followed by perrvel, Gryffindor then Evens. La fey is on the right followed by Slytherin, Ravenclaw and potter.

"Next you have your heir rings they will combine into a copper bracelet."

He pulls out the rest of the boxes. They all have copper bands but different centers.Black is well black with a silver picture of a grim. Prince is purple with a silver crown. Snape is green with a silver potion. McGonagall is red with a black cat. Lupin is grey with a black wolf howling. Pomfrey is blue with white bandages. Longbottom is yellow with a book. Hufflepuff is yellow with a black badger. After that it changes into a bracelet.

"Can I meet my godparents and get this sirius a trial?"

"Yes I will message them all now."

He sends out the messages and I wait wondering what they will be like.

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