Act 19

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Harlow pov

Over the years I have visited my friends and the dragons. I have taken up dueling like Yumi suggested and I am approaching my sixteenth birthday. I am currently in a dueling circuit in China that will be going on for the next three weeks.

I watch the other matches as I wait for my own. I am in one of the highest circuits and known for my wins under the name Athena as that was a title that they gave me after my first few circuits of wins. I got this title for my ability to strategize in the heat of a duel and from seemingly knowing everything about magic.

Soon enough it is time for me to go up. "Athena versus Hercules!" Hercules is a dueler that is known to rely on the brute strength of his spells rather than actual strategies and different spells.

I put my snakes on a table right outside of the area that was set up for me. After the first few duels I took part in they understood that I always had my snakes on me so they started to provide a place for them at all of my duels. I hop into the area and face my opponent. He is tall and large. He seems to be in his late thirties so he has likely been in the circuits for quite a while. He seems to be slightly confused by how young I am as you have to have passed your wizarding tests before you can compete.

I gather my bearings and wait for the start to be announced. The moment that start rings through the air spells start flying through the air. I put up a shield first to keep myself safer from his spells before weaving my spells.

We send spell after spell at one another before I finally hit him with a disarming spell and send him flying. My victory is announced and we move into the next duel. I gather my winnings and head back to my hotel for the night.

Tomorrow is my birthday and the circuit already announced that the duels are off for tomorrow for a massive birthday party as sixteen is the biggest birthday in the wizarding world. Even bigger than the eleven. So I am motivated to get a good night of sleep.

I wake up in the morning and something feels off. My back and head feel heavy, my hair feels long, my hearing, smell and sight seem to be in over drive and I feel more powerful. I sit on my bed for a moment as I wake up and realize what is going on. I went through my creature inheritance.

I get up and look in the mirror. A few sets of horns adorn my head and three sets of wings connect to my back. My hair is longer and my ears slightly point at the end. Lastly I notice that my eyes seem sharper and my canines came to a more drastic point than before.

I honestly have no idea what I could be. I simply shrug and hide all of the traits with magic. I get ready and leave as I have a party to get to.

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