Act 8

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Harlow pov

I get up and look at the time. It is 10:30 on the day I am supposed to meet my god siblings. I jump out of bed and pull on my robe Emily, Yumi and Perry climb on to me. The others chose to stay. I go and grab a quick breakfast before appearating to grengots.

I arrive with about 5 minutes to spare. I walk to the meeting room. No one is there yet so I just sit and wait. A posh blonde boy walks in and takes a seat. Last a awkward boy walks in. "Welcome you must be my god brothers. I am Harlow Stewart."

"I am draco malfoy and it is a pleasure to meet you Harlow."

"I'm Neville Longbottom."

"It's nice to finally meet you guys."

"Will you be attending Hogwarts this year?" Draco asks.

"No I have already passed my test so I have no desire to attend that school."

Draco nods impressed and Neville just looks at me in surprise.

"But don't you want to go to school and make friends?"

"I make friends as I travel with my family's circus. I have friends all around the world."

"How interesting. It is fantastic that you have connections all around the globe."

"I suppose so."

We spend many hour talking and getting to know each other. We finally stop around 7 o'clock due to the fact we got too hungry from skipping lunch.

"Farewell I hope to meet you again."

"Yeah it was nice to meet you two."

Neville just nods with a smile and we all leave. I head home and to the dining tent. We are having hash. I eat my fill and head to bed.

All of my snakes come out of my robes and I take them off replacing them with pajamas. I snuggle into my bed and my snakes climb on top of me.

"Hey Yumi?"


"Why is everyone so obsessed with Hogwarts?"

"The headmaster has manipulated people into doing bad things so that he could stop them and get more fame and power. Also the school used to be the top school in the world before the new headmaster took over."

"Why is it not the top anymore?"

"He removed many of the classes it was known for leaving it as a hallow shell of it's former glory."

"That's sad nothing should be stripped of the things that represent it." 

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