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(Above is Y/N's engagement ring)

*After the events of the 3rd movie*

"If a reindeer leaves Elfsburg flying west at 20 miles per hour, and another reindeer flies east travelling at 50 miles per hour, how many hours does it take for them to be 210 miles apart?" Carol asked. "Anyone?" No one volunteered to answer. "Anyone?" An elf girl in the front raised her hands. "Trish?"

"How come we can't learn things we want to?" Trish asked.

"Like what?" Carol asked in response.

"Like..." Trish trailed off.  "Was it weird when you married Santa and had to move up to the Pole and give up your old life?"

"Weirder than you can possibly imagine. But then something so gigantic happened that it changed Santa and me forever." Carol explained.

"Like what?" Trish asked.

*Present Time*

"Bernard! Come on!" Y/N urged, pulling him away from the elf he was talking to. "Hurry!"

"What? What's wrong?" Bernard asked in a panic, as he gripped Y/N's shoulders.

"Nothing's wrong!" Y/N answered. "It's time!"

"Time? Time for wh-" Bernard began. His eyes widened. "Santa's baby?"

"Yes! It's on the way!" Y/N explained.

Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the workshop. They stood in the snow, Y/N's eyes scanning the scene, looking for her dad. He was easy to find, seeing as he was pushing Carol on a hospital bed, screaming and panicking, while trying to get her to the hospital wing.

"Baby Claus is on the way!" Santa called. Bernard and Y/N ran towards them. "Ladies, keep up." Santa said to the girl elves behind him. "Please, hot water and hot ointments." He looked at Carol, who was breathing heavily and holding her stomach. "You, think sugar plums." Santa arrived at the hospital wing and pushed open the doors, Y/N and Bernard followed, eagerly. "Do not panic! Do not panic!"

Curtis arrived on the scene, looking at Bernard and Y/N, confusion forming over his features. Y/N opened her mouth, but Santa beat her to it. "Curtis, the baby's coming!"

"Deep breaths." Y/N comforted, holding Carol's hand and letting her squeeze, if she so needed. She did. And she squeezed hard. Y/N winced and Bernard put an arm around her shoulders. "That's gonna leave a mark."

"Push." Santa said.

"Oh." Carol said, suddenly calmer than before. "Oh, Scott."

"Everything's gonna be all right," Santa assured. "Where's Dr. Hismus?"

"Oh, oh, Scott." Carol repeated. Y/N knew she was trying to tell him something.

"I'm  here, babe." Santa said. Y/N found her self cringing at that, causing Bernard to snicker. "I'm  here. It's all right."

"Honey, I'm afraid it was a false alarm." Carol informed sheepishly.

"Again?" An elf asked.

"I stopped a pedicure for this?" Elves began to exit the elfimary in disappointment and annoyance.

Carol looked around, a sheepish look lining her features. "It's okay, Carol," Y/N assured. "The elves understand. And, so do I."

Carol didn't seem convinced by that.


"Scott!" Carol called. She sat on the couch, while Santa was looking over the naughty and nice list. "Scott, come here." He looked towards her and smiled, but didn't walk towards her. "Come here just for a second. Come here." Santa looked towards his wife and then towards the list, trying to decide what to do. "Scott, come here. Come here, come here, come here."

Forever Our Mistletoe (Bernard the Head Elf x reader: 3rd book of the Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now