Phoenix (Top Gun)

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Fandom: Top Gun
Request: No
Genre: Fluff
M/F/NB: Male

✩ Enjoy ✩

Great Balls of Fire

"Fellas this here is bagman." Phoenix smirked, Hangman keeping his usual smug, overconfident, smile upon his face.

"Hangman." He corrected.

"Whatever." She shook her head, before Coyote spoke up.

"Who's your friends?" He gestured behind her, Phoenix not bothering to glance behind her.

"Fanboy." One of them spoke up.

"Payback." Spoke the other.

"And you two?" Phoenix gestured to Coyote.

"Coyote." He smirked, before a cough broke up the conversation.

All of them looked to who it was, a (h/c) haired male coughing as he finished his beer.

"Can't hold your liquor there (Y/n)?" Hangman smirked, hoping to get a reaction out of everyone, some people chuckling as (Y/n) cleared his throat.

"I should be saying that to you bagman, you'll be needing a lot of it when you aren't chosen as team leader." The male answered, getting up, "Now if you'll-"

"(Y/n)?" Phoenix interrupted him, the male stopping his sentence, immediately recognizing the voice.

"Phoenix?" He marveled, before smiling.

Phoenix smiled too, "I told you I'd been called back to Top Gun, you could've told me you were too." She rolled her eyes, though playful tone to her voice.

(Y/n) chuckled, "Sorry about that, though I'm still your WSO." He added in, Phoenix feigning dread.

"Oh whatever will I do?" She turned around, grabbing a pool cue. (Y/n) went to walk behind her, though a pool cue swiftly met his gut, making the male double over with a release of air sharply.

"Maybe be a bit more considerate to your backseater." He wheezed, standing up straight, before hearing Hangman speak up.

"Well look who it is!" Hangman spoke up, walking towards someone.

(Y/n) turned to see who it was, having to shift around a bit to catch sight of the unknown person through the crowd.

(Y/n)'s face immediately broke into a wide smile, "As I live and breath, the Bradly 'Rooster' Bradshaw!" He introduced him, a friendly, playful, tone to his voice.

Rooster walked through the crowd, making it to where (Y/n) was standing, reciprocating the smile, "And if it isn't the (Y/n) '(C/s)' (L/n)!" He boasted, (Y/n) rolling his eyes as he turned back to the scene behind him, looking at Rooster.

"Wanna play?" He gestured to the pool table, Rooster getting a competitive and cocky look on his face.

"I would, but, if you don't recall, last time we played, you ended up getting knocked flat on your ass by an admiral." He laughed aloud, (Y/n) flushing slightly at the embarrassing memory.

"That guy was out for me anyways, that's how I got shipped out to Top Gun." He tried to wave away the topic, Rooster nodding, though with the smug look on his face, he clearly didn't believe the (h/c) haired male.

"And good thing you were." Phoenix smirked, watching the solid ball roll into the corner hole, turning to face the (h/c) haired male, "Or you wouldn't have become my backseater."

(Y/n) nodded, "True true."

Phoenix then turned her attention to Rooster, "Well it is the mighty Rooster isn't it?" She turned, going to line up another shot.

Rooster met the same fate as (Y/n), the end of the pool cue being jutted into his gut.

"Good to see you too Phoenix." He wheezed, Phoenix's eyes trained on another solid ball going into the hole, before turning to face the male.

"I'm sure it is Bradshaw, though you could have told me you were coming here." She sharply answered, the male chuckling at her demeanor.

"I would've, but then I'm afraid you-"

"Hey Rooster look!" (Y/n) gestured, Rooster looking to where the male was pointing, not bothering to finish his sentence.

"Hey!" He walked over, leaving Phoenix mid-conversation.

She rolled her eyes as she went back to playing pool, the music playing flooding into her ears.

As more people flooded in for the evening rush, there was a sound of a bell for the second time that night.

Everyone turned and cheered to see if they'd be getting a free round, a man in his 50's smiling in disbelief at the bartender.

"Rules are rules!" The bartender called, before everyone started chanting.

"Overwash! Overwash!"

The male who got the bell rung on him felt two sets of hands on his arms, seeing two pilots grabbing him, two more pilots grabbing him by the legs, promptly carrying the male to the door.

"No hard feelings pops." (Y/n) smirked, throwing him to the ground outside, the sand blowing around.

"Come back anytime." Hangman turned to go back inside, (Y/n) following soon after.

As soon as they were inside, (Y/n) noticed the lack of music, "What happened to the mu-"

Right as he was going to ask, a certain piano started to play.

(Y/n) smiled and quickly made his way to the piano in question, taking his seat next to Rooster, who was playing the keys in a fast tone.

(Y/n) was the first to sing, the other pilots crowing around the piano, "You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!"

"Too much love drives a man insane!" Rooster continued it.

"You broke my will, but what a thrill!" (Y/n) sang, people joining in the song.

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Everyone sang, (Y/n) feeling hand on his shoulder, seeing Phoenix singing the song.

It felt as cliche as any other scene, from her blissful smile to her voice, (Y/n) found that his own voice was caught in his throat.

It was only when Rooster tapped on his shoulder did he break from his trance, gesturing for the male to take over piano for him.

"I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny!" Rooster continued to sing, though the song drowning out, (Y/n)'s hands on autopilot as he tried to keep his eyes from glancing at Phoenix.

The moment he looked up, he immediately looked back down, his eyes having met with a certain pair of brown eyes.

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"

✩ To Be Continued ✩

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