Phoenix (Top Gun)

884 8 1

Fandom: Top Gun
Request: No
Genre: Angst and Fluff
M/F/NB: Male
Warnings: Slight non-consent touching
Note: I'm sorry, I'm just so downbad

✩ Enjoy ✩


(Y/n) sighed, adjusting his uniform, looking in the mirror as he made sure his uniform was in order. After being sure he looked decent, he heard a knock on his door.

He quickly made his way to the door, opening it, instantly smiling when he saw who it was.

"You know I'm supposed to be the one to come get you, right?" (Y/n) chuckled, opening the door for his girlfriend.

Phoenix just smirked, "And yet I'm always the one picking you up."

(Y/n) didn't respond, his eyes wandering all over her body, eyes wide, a slight blush on his face.

Phoenix smirked even more, "Hey!" She snapped, making him look up to her eyes, "My eyes are up here."

(Y/n) chuckled sheepishly, walking close to her, pulling her into a loving kiss, Phoenix smiling into the kiss, reciprocating it. After a few moments, Phoenix tapped on his shoulder indicating she was running out of air, (Y/n) pulling back, his (e/c) eyes showing utter admiration for the female.

"You know I can't help it darling, you're simply gorgeous." He complimented, Phoenix feeling her cheeks slightly heating up, but just pushed him away lightly.

"Yeah yeah, definitely not like you don't see me in these clothes everyday." She readjusted her uniform, not noticing (Y/n) sneaking up to her.

He pulled her into a hug from the back, (Y/n) resting his head on top of her head, Phoenix sighing, relaxing into the warmth (Y/n)'s body had to offer.

After a few minutes like this, Phoenix spoke up, "We better get going, or we're gonna be late."

(Y/n) sighed heavily, pulling away, not liking how cold he felt without Phoenix pressed up against him.

"Alright, shall we get going love?" He held out his hand, Phoenix shaking her head with a chuckle at the cheesy nickname, taking his hand.

They both walked out, (Y/n) swinging their intertwined hands lightly, the setting sun creating a golden glow, (Y/n) looking to Phoenix, who was focused on looking ahead.

(Y/n) saw how her brown eyes glowed in the golden light, giving them a sort of honey brown look.

As she turned to look at him, seeing him staring at her in her peripheral vision, he quickly looked away, looking towards the setting sun.

She smiled lightly at his failed attempt to pretend like he wasn't staring, but then they arrived at the bar.

(Y/n) disconnected their hands, pulling the door open, letting Phoenix go in first.

"Such a gentleman." She called behind her, walking into the loud bar, (Y/n) following her. She walked up to the bar counter, leaning against it, (Y/n) going next to her.

"What'll it be?" The bartender walked over, drying a glass in his hand with a rag.

"I'll have a whiskey." (Y/n) responded, looking to Phoenix, her nodding towards him.

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