Rooster (Top Gun)

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Fandom: Top Gun
Request: Yes (@NatsirT_R)
Genre: Fluff and Angst
M/F/NB: Female

✩ Enjoy ✩


(Y/n) felt her eyes stinging, clenching her jaw to keep tears from falling, biting her cheek, almost to the point of bleeding.

Before they slowly lowered the casket into the ground, she watched as her dad walked to the foot of the casket. He proceeded to take his wings off, setting it on the casket, before using his fist to get the sharp pins to be lodged into the wood of the casket.

With that, they slowly lowered the casket, the sounds of gunfire hardly registering in (Y/n)'s mind as she saluted in respect to the, now, late Admiral, everyone too saluting.

"May he Rest In Peace."


The next day at training, her eyes were red and puffy, her usual neat and pristine uniform wrinkled in some places, some of her hair from her slicked back bun falling loose. She was staring straight ahead, though didn't seem to be looking at anything.

"(Y/n)?" A voice spoke up, though no response. "(Y/n)?" The voice repeated, a bit louder.

This time, he was successful, (Y/n) coming from her trance. Her eyes seemed to focus, her slightly shaking her head, before looking to who called her name.

"Oh, it's you Rooster." (Y/n), nearly, mumbled, her voice raw and raspy, looking back ahead.

Rooster furrowed his eyebrows, sitting next to her, looking at her.

"Are you...okay?" He asked slowly, anyone could tell she wasn't.

(Y/n) gulped, she felt that lump forming in her throat. She knew if she spoke, her voice would give out on her, eyes stinging as tears welled back up. How she could cry anymore after crying for hours was beyond her.

She closed her (e/c) eyes before any tears could fall, leaning her head back as to try and will the tears away whence she opened her eyes once more.

Rooster's concerned look only got deeper, "Is this about yesterday?" He asked, nearly facepalming when he realized that it was obvious it was.

(Y/n) inhaled deeply before releasing sharply, opening her eyes to look at him directly.

"I'm fine Rooster, and I believe you sit over there." She nodded her head in the direction of the chair, "So best take your seat before you get another citation on top of the ones you've already earned." Her voice was sharp, eyes piercing into him, despite the puffy-redness slightly taking away some edge.

Rooster didn't know what to say, his eyes showing hurt, before his face hardened.

"If that's what you want Lieutenant Mitchell." He answered formally, getting up and going to where (Y/n) had indicated.

As soon as he got up, (Y/n) felt a ping of guilt, watching Rooster walk away. She then shook her head, looking forward, choosing to forget the interaction even happened.


After the interaction, they had watched Maverick fly the course in less time than was needed. After the display, he was chosen to become team leader. This meant that only three spots were left to fill in the formation, everyone standing tall as Maverick and the Admiral stood in front of them.

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