Bob (Top Gun)

704 7 1

Fandom: Top Gun
Request: Yes (@NatsirT_R)
Genre: Angst
M/F/NB: Female
Info: (F/c) = Favorite Chocolate/Candy and (F/f) = Favorite Flowers

✩ Enjoy ✩


"Are you sure it will work?" Bob broke into a cold, Rooster nodding.

"I'm sure of it Bob, just give her flowers and ask her out." Rooster shrugged, acting like it wasn't a big deal.

Bob visibly started shaking at the thought, "B-but! What if she rejects me?" He furrowed his eyebrows, heart nearly breaking at the thought of (Y/n) rejecting him.

"I'm sure she won't." Rooster tried to reassure, thought wasn't doing a good job.

Bob seemed to think, "I'm gonna wait a bit and think it over."

Rooster raised an eyebrow, though didn't say anything.


"Rooster, I have something to tell you." Phoenix walked up to him, pulling him to the side.

Rooster raised an eyebrow, though nodded his head for her to continue.

"I like (Y/n)." She admitted, before looking to the other side of the hanger, where Bob and (Y/n) were talking, Bob flushed as (Y/n) laughed.

Rooster's face was something of horrified, but tried to hide it, "Why tell me?" He sputtered out, Phoenix noticing his odd demeanor though brushed it off.

"I want your help, to ask her out." She answered simply, Rooster feeling even more panic sink in.

After a few moments of him not responding, Phoenix snapped her fingers in front of him, Rooster snapping out of his trance.

"Well?" She pressed, Rooster sighing and looking to Bob then back to her.

"I..." he paused, internally debating what to do, "...okay, I'll help you."

Phoenix smiled, "Thanks Rooster, I knew I could rely on you!"


"What do I do?" Bob paced, "I can't just flirt with her, I'd look like a fool." He thought aloud, his mind racing, trying to find ways to ask (Y/n) out.

Rooster looked to where Phoenix and (Y/n) were standing, near (Y/n)'s jet, Phoenix, more than obviously' being more than friendly with (Y/n). (Y/n) was smiling brightly, a flush on her face at Phoenix's words, inaudible but anyone but her and Phoenix.

"I'm not sure." Rooster looked to Bob, who seemed to get an idea.

"I got it!" He snapped his fingers, a dorky smile coming to his face, "I'll get her flowers, the old fashioned way!"

Bob then looked to Rooster, "What do you think?"

Rooster seemed to be focused on something, though looked to him once his question registered in his mind.

"I think-" His eyes wandered back in the direction of whatever it was, before snapping back to Bob, "-it's a good idea, might wanna execute it fast though!" He forced a smile.

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