Phoenix (Top Gun) - Part Two

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Fandom: Top Gun
Request: No
Genre: Fluff
M/F/NB: Male

✩ Enjoy ✩

Great Balls of Fire - Part Two

Today was the first day of the intense training for the mission they had all been tasked to take on.

As they each sat in the uncomfortable plane seats, seated next to their partners for the mission.

(Y/n) immediately looked to Phoenix, who was flipping through the large manual on the table.

"I don't know why these things are provided." She shut the thick manual, a slight slam echoing in the hanger, "We know this whole thing inside out."

(Y/n) then flipped through his, the words being ones he'd seen many times before, "That's true, though maybe some people don't." (Y/n) gestured to Hangman, before snickering at his own joke.

Phoenix rolled her eyes at the childish joke, though let out a small laugh herself, looking back to the manual.

Right as she was gonna say more, someone did before her.

"At attention!"

Each of them stood up, standing at attention for the superiors walking into the room, the Admiral going to the podium.

"Today you will be briefed on the mission you have been assigned. Your instructors has experience in all forms of combat that you will be expected to master." The Admiral started, none of the lower ranks noticing a familiar male entering from behind them. "His feats have been nothing short of remarkable and legendary, having been the only fighter pilot to have shot down three enemy planes."

The familiar male had now made his way between the aisle splitting the lower rank's chairs in half, everyone turning their heads to see who the male is. Some of them promptly winced and looked away, immediately realizing and recognizing the male.

"May I introduce to you, Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell." The Admiral stepped aside, Maverick taking his place at the podium.

"Hello-" he cleared his throat, "-class."

His awkwardness was anything bu subtle, the fact he didn't know what to say was glaringly clear.

He looked around, before quickly looking at the book he brought in with him, picking it up, "This manual, it holds everything you need to know about your planes. I trust you know it inside out and backwards?"

Each of the lower ranks said their own words of confirmation, confirming they knew everything there is to know in the manual.

Maverick seemed to think for a second, before dropping the manual into the trash can next to the podium, the lower ranks' eyes widening.

"Well so does your enemy." He stood up straight, "You all have been told your whole career that you are the best fighter pilots in the Navy." Maverick smirked, "So prove it to me."


(Y/n) walked next to Phoenix, the roaring of the jet engines prohibiting them from hearing anything. (Y/n) readjusted his bag on his shoulder, noticing their assigned plane, nodding to it, Phoenix nodding back.

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