Phoenix & Rooster (Top Gun)

768 6 0

Fandom: Top Gun
Request: No
Genre: Fluff and slight angst
M/F/NB: Male
Info: (F/c) = Favorite color and (H/s) = Hair style

✩ Enjoy ✩


(Y/n) fiddled with his dog tags, focused on them intently, trying to ignore the couple in front of him. His eyes were looking anywhere but them, his heart beating, almost, painfully fast.

He felt as though his heart was going to beat out of his chest, face flushed.

"So (Y/n)-" Phoenix turned around, (Y/n) feeling his heart palpitate, panic setting in.

He somehow sunk lower into his chair, almost trying to hide from her.

"-are you okay?" She asked concerned, (Y/n) gulping nervously, not looking up to look her in the eye.

He was painfully aware of the two sets of brown eyes on him, trying to internally debate if he liked it or not.

"(Y/n)?" Rooster spoke up, (Y/n) ducking his head down, his voice meek when he spoke up.

"Yeah-" he cleared his throat, not wanting it to crack or break, "-I'm good!"

Rooster and Phoenix raised an eyebrow at his behavior, looking at each other then back at him.

"Is something bothering you?" Phoenix questioned, (Y/n) trying to find a way out of the conversation.

As if god was on his side, for once, the door from the back of the hangar opened, showing Maverick.

He quickly strode to the front of the hangar, before making an announcement.

"We will be doing dogfighting again today." He scanned the crowd, "Everyone get to your jets, we begin in five."


"Today will be a bit different." Maverick spoke from the comms, "You will be trying to catch your fellow aviators."

Phoenix and Bob along with Rooster were up in the air, wingmen.

The sky wasn't too cloudy, though clouds were coming in.

Bob and Rooster looked around, trying to find where Maverick was, though immediately looked elsewhere hearing this.

"The current groups target-" Maverick paused for dramatic effect, "-(C/s)."

Right when he said that, they were panicking.

(Y/n) was a stealth pilot, one of the best, known for flying, nearly, right by other planes and jets without being noticed.

"Where is he? Talk to me Bob." Phoenix looked around too, though, just as she predicted, she couldn't find (Y/n).

Rooster was no better, eyes darting around, though he couldn't find him either.

"Shit! Below us!" Bob reported, a jet came from below, forcing them to break up, flying right in the middle of both of them

(Y/n) was flying under them the whole time.

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