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you look in the mirror, checking your outfit. would this be good enough for her? you think looking at your outfit once more. you're snapped out of your own thoughts as your phone buzzes. You hope it's her, but instead, you see, it's just the taxi. you rush out, grabbing your purse quickly. you open the back seat of the taxi. the journey was relatively quiet but pleasant. You couldn't stop looking at your phone and the pictures of her.

you were nervous, especially after Cara told you all about what sugar mommies were. you'd never thought about such things existed, but how could you say no to a woman who looks like her. the car stopped, and you paid and tipped the driver. you get out and feel your nerves and the cold night air wash over you. You hold your phone to your chest pictures of amber still on there as you whisper to your self "you can do this" 

a deep yet distinctly feminine voice whispers into your ear "who you talking to, pretty girl?" she lets out a small laugh. shivers, shoot down your spine as you turn around. it was her. you looked into her eyes a little too long, but you couldn't help it. her eyes seemed soft yet alluring, sharp yet dark. you hear her laugh again. You notice she was looking at your phone. "Am I better in person?" she teases.

you say "defiantly" a bit too fast you feel your face heat up as you put your phone away in your purse she leads you in greeting the workers like a little like old friends however remaning professional. as you sit down, you look around shocked. This place was massive and so fancy. god, you did not have enough money to your name to be in here... amber catches on and says, "It's a nice place, sweetie, isn't it?" You feel your cheeks flush gain you groan internally how could she make you blush so easily?!  

"Yeah, it's amazing. I don't even know where to look," 

Amber lets out a little chuck as she says, " At the menu would be a good start."  You smile, laughing with her as you look at the menu. you had no clue what most of them were, but you try to pick the cheapest starter. to be polite, of course. a waiter swiftly comes over saying playfully. "Back so soon, amber?"

 Amber replies with a playful remark, " ahh yes well I can't stay away very long with this food."

 the waiter smiles and asks, "So what can I get for you and your lovely friend here?" she winks at you. you feel shocked.

"I'll have the Dublin bay prawns, thanks," amber answers confidently. they both turn to you awaiting an answer

 "Could I have the gratinated onions, please?" you say, a bit nervous

the waiter smiles at you as she is writing down the orders. " Will that be all?" she asks.

 you don't say anything, but Amber says, "A bottle of wine please, and that will be it, thanks." The waiter nods and walks off, leaving the two of you. 


surprisingly, the two of you get along well and chat throughout your date with almost no awkward silences. The conversation is always flowing throughout dinner.

when the pair of you get to your deserts, she asks, " So, have you had many sugar mommy relationships?" she asks it so casually. However, you feel yourself get a little hot.

"No, I  um haven't," you say, almost tripping on your words. "Honestly... I didn't even know what a sugar mommy was till um... tonight, " you admit feeling somewhat relieved telling her, but embarrassed you start to fiddle with your hands slightly embarrassed.

amber gives you a genuine smile as if she was thinking of something. "That's fine, y/n, so do you know much about it?" 

feeling less embarrassed now because of the fact she was so open about it you shake your head you adjust how you're sitting less stiffly than you previously were" I know the premise, I guess?" 

she nods at you comfortingly. "Well, if you were interested, maybe I could tell and show you all about it? we can go at your pace, of course, and if at any time you're uncomfortable or think it's not for you, we can stop." 

whats a sugar mommy? (female reader x older woman)Where stories live. Discover now