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nobody's pov:

y/n woke up feeling better than she had in a while the day after meeting Amber. when you thought about amber you always felt your heart beat a little faster and your cheeks become a little warmer. that night was probably one of the best you had ever had. you thought you'd better tell Cara everything or you felt like you would explode keeping it to yourself.

you quickly throw on a loose shirt and the first set of shorts you see. Cara's room was opposite yours so there would be no harm in mismatching clothes in front of her you guys have been friends since you were 4 and she was 5. you head out of your room careful to lock it and then quickly knock on hers. you hear 2 audible bangs which sounded like books falling followed by a groan before she opened the door.

she opens the door her eyes half shut her wolf cut was so messy it looked like she had the best sleep ever. she started to fall asleep leaning against the door which made you laugh she was wearing a white shirt and shorts which was surprising for you since you knew Cara wouldn't keep a white shirt unstained that long. Cara hearing you laugh at her shook her head groggly in an attempt to wake herself up as she said dramatically in a tired voice "You always wake me up so early do you ever sleep" Cara welcomed you putting her hand around your back and pulled you in eyes still half shut. cara stretched a little before fully closing the door. she grabbed herself a drink and brought you back one too. you both sat on the sofa opposite each other as she said with a tired smile "Go on then" As if she already knew you came to gush over Amber. it made you smile.

you started to ramble on about how the date had gone from how she could make you blush so easily to how the waiter had given you an odd wink. As you mentioned about the waiter's wink cara got a playful smirk on her face and grabbed your cheeks like an overbearing aunt would when seeing you at a family gathering "Aww my baby is all grown up" she said mocking a baby voice. you couldn't help but laugh at her antics. She then pinched your cheek letting out a fake gasp "All the ladies flocking over my baby." she put a hand on her chest dramatically "How could they" she pretended to faint laying on the sofa

"Cara" you said embarrassed "Stop being so dramatic!!!" you laughed still embarrassed blushing a little. Cara sat up raising an eyebrow before pulling you next to her so you were laying next to her staring up a the ceiling. "all right" she said laughing a bit herself "Picture this" She held up a hand waving it to her left " you and that rich lady-"

"Amber," you say butting in "Her name is Amber and she's amazing"

" yeah yeah okay so you guys are all lovey-dovey and you guys will get a huge house together, right? that's all fine and that but..." she turned to you and smirked before saying "What's a mansion without your best friend in it" You guys kept laughing together and joking around till suddenly Cara's phone began to ring it lit up with the word mum with a :P face after her name.

She sits up as she answers you can faintly hear her mum on the other side speaking but can tell what she's saying because it isn't your language. Cara answers in Korean sounding disinterested and a bit whiny like a little kid which makes you laugh to yourself a little. when she ends the call she flops onto the sofa "Mum just got my report card and says if my grade doesn't get higher in physics she's gonna' basically murder me" she groans 

whats a sugar mommy? (female reader x older woman)Where stories live. Discover now