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Y/N's POV:

As I hurried down the dimly lit streets, my mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, confusion and a pang of betrayal twisted in my chest like a tangled knot. How could Amber hide something like this from me? The weight of her secrets felt like a burden pressing down on my shoulders. I felt guilty about that poor woman whose marriage I'd just ruined.

Outside, the cool night air greeted me like a silent ally, offering solace amidst the chaos swirling inside my head. I quickened my pace, the sound of my footsteps echoing against the empty street. With each step, I replayed the events of the night, searching for clues I might have missed, signs that could have warned me of the truth lurking beneath Amber's charming facade. But try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling of being played, of being naively swept up in a carefully crafted illusion.

I huff and decide to pull out my phone, and without a doubt, Amber had been messaging me constantly.


 'Missed call'

 "Please answer, dear."

 'Missed call'

 "What's wrong? Did we go too fast?" 

"I'm sorry, please answer me."

I felt bad for a split second, regretting leaving, but I had to have a girl's back. I couldn't just wreck someone's marriage; that's insane... even if Amber made me feel better than I had ever yesterday. I shake my head. Ugh...

"I'm done, Amber. Don't bother looking for me."

With a sense of liberation tingling in my veins, I pressed send and watched as the message went through. I don't wait to see her response as I quickly head home following the map on my phone. As the raindrops began to fall, I quickened my pace, the cool droplets mingling with the tumult of emotions swirling within me. Each step felt heavier, burdened by the weight of my decision to sever ties with Amber. Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered the familiar sights and sounds of the city around me. My mind replayed snippets of conversations, stolen moments, and the bitter taste of betrayal that lingered on my tongue.

Arriving home, I pushed open the door inside the building, seeking refuge from the storm raging both outside and within. The warmth of the familiar surroundings enveloped me like a comforting embrace, offering a sanctuary from the storm outside.

Collapsing onto my bed, I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the tension slowly melt away with each breath I take. In the quiet of my apartment, I allowed myself a moment of vulnerability, allowing the tears to finally flow freely, washing away the remnants of hope I had for me and Amber.

But even as I grieved the loss of what could have been, I knew deep down that I had made the right choice. I had chosen myself, my integrity, over the illusion of love that Amber had offered.

The room felt cold with a heavy silence, broken only by the gentle patter of rain against the windowpane. Each droplet seemed to echo the rhythm of my thoughts.

With trembling fingers, I reached for my phone, the screen illuminating the darkness of the room with a soft, eerie glow. Amber's messages blinked insistently, a stark reminder of how she played me. With a heavy sigh, I silenced my phone, the sudden absence of sound leaving an eerie quietness. The room felt emptier now...

As the rain continued to fall outside, I curled up beneath the covers that felt not as soft after feeling Amber's. I began seeking refuge in the cocoon of my covers warming myself up.

With each passing moment, the storm raged on, its fury echoing the turmoil of emotions raging within my soul.

I closed my eyes, allowing the rhythm of the rain to calm me into a steady slumber. Tomorrow was a new day, filled with endless possibilities. As the storm raged on outside, I offered myself to the healing embrace of sleep, knowing that with each passing moment, I grew stronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever to reclaim the shattered fragments of my heart.

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