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No ones pov:

It has been about a week since the incident, and today Lilith has an arm around your shoulders as you stroll through the park. You decided it was best to try to move on swiftly so you wouldn't have to think about Amber anymore. You did miss her so much. Hanging out and going on dates wasn't the same with Lilith; it felt more disingenuous. But nonetheless, she was sort of sweet to you... The compliments managed to make you flush a few times. Even Cara didn't like her as much.

The one time Cara had met Lilith, she had given Cara a dirty look, clearly not knowing she was your friend. Lilith called her a "nosy little pest" before quickly regaining her composure. You had brushed it off at the time, but now you couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Lilith than met the eye.

As you walked through the park, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of your stomach. Lilith's arm around your shoulders felt stifling, suffocating even, as if she was trying to claim you as her own. You tried to push aside your doubts and focus on the present, but the memory of Amber lingered like a ghost, haunting your every step.

As you reached a secluded bench overlooking a tranquil pond, Lilith pulled you closer, her touch lingering possessively. You forced a smile, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of your mind that whispered warnings of danger.

"Lilith's voice dripped with sinister charm as she leaned in, her smirk sending shivers down your spine. 'Hey doll,' she purred, her eyes gleaming with dark intent. 'How would you feel about coming round to mine tonight?'

The words hung in the air like an invitation she shouldn't turn down, each syllable laced with malice. Lilith's desire was selfish, it wasn't driven by love or passion; it was fueled by spite. Spite for Amber, of course, the woman who dared to divorce her. Lilith wanted to take away everything she held dear. And now, Lilith was determined to claim you, to make you hers in every sense of the word, simply to spite the one who had wronged her.

"Well, um... I'm not too sure, Lilith," you said, sliding a little further away, a nervous flutter in your chest. Lilith's mask slipped for a second, a flicker of irritation crossing her features, but she quickly regained her composure, her smile never faltering.

"Oh, come on, darling," Lilith cooed, her voice sweet but tinged with impatience. She'd been keeping up this facade for so long that she was getting impatient. "It'll be fun, I promise. I've been wondering what cute faces you pull in bed..."

You hesitated, torn between the uneasy feeling gnawing at your gut and the desire to keep Lilith's favour. But deep down, you knew that agreeing to go with her didn't feel like one you wanted to make.

"I... I think I should probably head home; I don't feel too well," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper.

Lilith's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Are you sure, darling? You don't want to disappoint me, do you?"

The implication hung heavy in the air, a silent threat lurking beneath Lilith's sickly sweet words. "Well, I..."

"come on sweetheart you know you want to," she said trailing a finger down your neck. She begins to use her other hand to side it up your leg to the top of your inner thigh

"stop...I think I should go..." you said yet again bearly audible but she carried on.

"hey she said stop, bitch" said a familiar voice it was Cara. She stood there, her expression stern, her eyes fixed on Lilith. "I think she made it pretty clear she wants to leave."

Lilith's hand froze mid-motion, her eyes narrowing as she regarded Cara. "And who are you to tell me what to do?" she snapped, her voice dripping with venom.

Cara didn't flinch, her gaze unwavering. "I'm her friend," she replied firmly. "And it's clear she's not comfortable, so why don't you back off?"

For a moment, the air crackled with tension as Lilith and Cara locked eyes in a silent battle of wills. Then, with a scoff, Lilith withdrew her hand, her mask of sweetness slipping away to reveal the simmering anger beneath.

"Fine," she spat, her voice sharp. "whatever I'll text you later y/n "

With that, she turned on her heel and stalked off, leaving you and Cara standing in tense silence. As her footsteps faded into the distance, you let out a shaky breath, the weight of her presence lifting from your shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Cara asked, her voice soft with concern.

You nodded, offering her a weak smile. "Yeah, thanks to you," you replied, grateful for her intervention.

Cara returned the smile, her eyes warm with understanding. "Anytime, id smack a bitch up for you y/n" she said, linking her arm with yours as you both began to walk away from the park. "Let's get out of here. hot coco at my place sounds good"

As you walked side by side with Cara, the unease that had plagued you earlier began to fade, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude for having such a loyal friend by your side "cara why were you even here?"

she smiles and begins to talk "Call it luck I suppose I was just on a jog as you can tell I'm kinda sweaty "She laughs a few of her hairs sticking to her forehead from her sweat.

whats a sugar mommy? (female reader x older woman)Where stories live. Discover now