Chapter 10: Problems

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Saturday June 18th, 2005



I woke up out of my sleep in a panic, nightmares plaguing my mind, just thinking about what could have happened with my life if I went down the wrong road. I know people want me to be this and be that and people keep trying to drag me in different directions but i want to live life for myself and try to be the best that i can be i want to make something of my life, and before people didn't want me to or they'd push me to hard to make something of myself. I don't know what people see in me sometimes, sometimes I honestly feel like I'm a lost cause, nobody but Teach proved me wrong on that, and I'm glad he's giving me a chance. I looked around at my surroundings for a second and just took time to be grateful for this opportunity. I got up and went into the bathroom and took a nice long piss, then I turned the shower on and hopped in, letting the hot water trickle down my body while being in my thoughts again, just thinking about life and the turn that my life has taken. I can help and provide for my family in a positive way, I mean sure the money isn't like the money i was making when i was out on the street stealing car stereos and running game on people but that's my past and i want to do better by myself and those around me, my family and those that believe in me like Teach. By the time I got done doing all of that and got myself situated, it was about 6:40am. I headed to the kitchen to make something to eat, something simple, not anything too complex.

"Good morning."

"Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Where did you come from?" I asked him as I turned around.

"My momma's pussy." Teach said laughing.

"Yeah whatever smart ass." I laughed. "But naw man you scared me for a second there."

"My bad, anyway what are you doing up this early?"

"Nothing really, just couldn't sleep you know."

"I've had nights like that sometimes so trust me i completely understand."

"Yeah, it's something. Anyway what's your plans for today?"

"Nothing really man, just hang around the house, probably do some cleaning or run some errands later on. I know I need to get my car checked and serviced sometime this week too." He said. "So what do you have planned for today?"

"Well not much, I'ma probably going to head into work in about an hour and get some extra time in, make a little extra money." I told him.

"Well do you want a ride there?"

"No i'ma walk."

"Now are you sure that's a good idea? Especially with everything that's been going on man?"

"Yeah i'm sure, i feel like i can do this, plus i just need time to think to myself you know, get in my own head and just sort out some things."

"Well that's understandable, i've been there myself so i know what you mean man, trust me situations like this are tough but they can be gotten through, if you just think wisely and smart and just really take time to evaluate a situation." He said.

After I finished talking to him I walk to my job and it took a little while to get there, maybe 20 minutes but I was able to walk it. On my way there i seen a car slow down, it looked like a new car but in it i seen a familiar face, it was Lee.

"Hey where are you headed?" He said, honking his horn.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"You know what I want." He said. "Come on buddy..."

"So I'm your buddy now? Didn't you and your boys jump me when I left the crew? Aren't you and your buddies the same ones that called me sellouts?" I reminded him.

"That was business, it wasn't personal."

"Bullshit!" I told him. "You're full of shit man!"

"Whatever man, look you need to figure out where your loyalty lies man, you need to get back on and get this money." He said. "You can make what you're making in a month in a few days with me, and you know that man, you definitely know that, so you need to think about what's best for you and your family, remember that. I know you'll make the right decision, you have my number when you're ready." He told me as he pulled off.





"See man that's what's wrong with these young dudes out here nowadays, just have no respect or anything. I mean we're young but damn!" Kash said. "I mean come on now, just take responsibility for your actions!" He exclaimed. "All these people out here willing to commit crimes but not willing to do the time, saying oh i did what i did for this reason or that reason. It just makes no damn sense." He said. "Anyway, what's been going on with you?" He asked.

"Not much, my day was good, I've just been chillin' and all. I went to go and check on Shawn and Tyrone's mom and she's doing pretty okay."

"Well that's good. So how's things going with you and Tyrone?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play with me, did y'all hook up? Hit the skins? Did he tap that ass?" He asked, laughing.

"No, no he didn't." I laughed. "We're taking things slowly, taking things one day at a time."

"Well in all honesty that's the best thing to do is take things one day at a time because you don't want to rush into anything and then have any regrets later down the line."

"Yeah Man you're absolutely right about that I don't want no regrets down the line. It's just everything is complicated I want to say complicated I mean complicated. But hopefully we can jump over all these hurdles. Me and Tyrone have known each other for a long time and I love that man. I absolutely love him."

As I continued talking to Kash my phone rang. I looked and saw that it was Damon's work so I answered it.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey jahmelle it's me, Damon, I was wondering if you could come and pick me up." He asked.

Didn't you just get to work? What is going on?

Lee has been following me and I'm not feeling comfortable. Could you just come and pick me up please? He asked. I wasn't shocked and I hesitated for a second but I told him I would be there to pick him up. Man, I wonder what's going to happen next.

End Of Chapter 10

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