John's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

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TW: Brief sexual content.

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John swiftly walked into the office and brushed his hair out of his eyes. He pulled down his headphones, while fiddling with his lighter at his side.

"Hey, John. Looking for Alex? I think he's in a meeting right now, but it's almost over. You wanna just wait over there?" Maria glanced up from her computer.

"Actually, I came to see you. C-can we talk?" John stared down at the flame of his lighter.

Maria cocked an eyebrow. "Sure. About what?"

"I-I mean, like, not here. Don't you go on breaks? Or, or just in the hall for a second? I need advice."

"Must be important then. Come on. There's a great milkshake place, like, a block from here." Maria stood up and grabbed her purse.

"Wh-what's a milkshake?" John mumbled, confused.

Maria hooked her arm in John's. "Okay, so, we're gonna introduce you to a milkshake and then you're gonna tell me what's up." 

"You, you're touching me," John mumbled as Maria kept talking.

"The strawberry ones are the best, but the peanut butter milkshakes aren't so bad either. But any of them are pretty good." Maria hummed as they walked the block to the milkshake place.

After Maria ordered a vanilla one for John and strawberry one for herself, she sat forward and folded her hands on the table. "Okay, now what's bothering you?"

John fiddled with the straw of his milkshake. "Alexander and I, well, we, we did stuff." He scratched his neck and grabbed his lighter out of his pocket.

"You had sex." Maria stated.

"No. Maybe. I dunno. He, well," John shifted, uncomfortable.


Last night was a night John couldn't forget. Alex had come home, stressed and upset. He told John that he needed something stronger than red wine and instructed him to get him some whiskey. John had hurried to the store with the money Alex got him and bought some whiskey. Alex poured them both glasses and then sat at the counter, launching into a rant.

John listened politely, not really knowing what Alex was talking about, but he provided support. Both John and Alex started to get a little bit tipsy and they moved to the couch in the living room. John didn't really talk, but he did mention Maria and his lunch date and asked Alex if he and John should be having sex. 

Alex scoffed. "I didn't marry you to fuck you. I have no interest in you." He paused and then took a swig of the whiskey bottle. "But I'll give you a blowjob if you want one." When John was quiet, Alex said, "I'll suck your dick if you want me to."

John let it happen. Alex got on his knees, setting his hands on John's thighs. He gently unzipped John's jeans, and looked up for a second. John could smell Alex's cologne, despite Alex having spilled alcohol on himself.

"Your hands are cold." John breathed out, leaning back a bit.

Alex looked at John through his eyelashes and lowered his mouth on John's cock. John gasped and gripped the sheets as Alex sucked him off. His hand went to Alex's hair, tangling his fingers in Alex's locks. John squeezed his eyes closed and let out a moan. He would never admit it out loud, but he loved it. He loved Alex touching him. It wasn't like the way Francis touched him. It wasn't forceful and it didn't disgust John in any way. The way Alex worked his tongue, oh god, it drove John mad.

He never wanted Alex to pull away. John tightened his grip in Alex's hair and let out a pained moan, throwing his head back and--


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