Peggy just wants to cook Alex dinner, but Alex doesn't know what a colander is

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John stormed through the office. He set his hands on the desk. "I wanna talk to Alexander Hamilton." 

"Um, hi, hello," Maria, Alex's secretary, smiled. "How can I help you?"

"I just told you. I want to talk to Alexander Hamilton." John huffed in annoyance. He fumbled with the strap on his messenger bag, not liking the feeling of Maria staring at him.

Maria looked back at her computer. "Mr Hamilton is in a meeting right now. Do you have an appointment?" She looked up when John didn't respond. "No? Okay, well, can I get your name? And he'll get to you as soon as possible."

John hesitated. He glanced from Maria to the hall and then marched down the hallway.

"Hey, you can't---you can't just go in there!" 

John found Alex's office and threw the door open. The last thing he wanted was some chick telling him that he couldn't talk to his future husband. He felt Maria behind him. There were three other people in the office along with Alex.

"Oh god," Alex groaned. "Am I gonna hafta pull out a restraining order?"

"I'm sorry," Maria said, trying to usher John out of the room. "I couldn't stop him." She turned to John. "How about we sit you down and get you some water? How's that sound?"

John pushed passed her. He pulled the headphones out of his Walkman and clicked out a tape, slipping it in his bag, and clicked in another tape. He reached across Thomas, one of the guys in the office, and handed the Walkman to Alex.

"What the fuck---?" Alex gasped. John shook the Walkman, insisting that Alex take it. Alex sighed and took the device, clicking play.

"Then in ten years if I'm not---" Alex clicked the pause button. "You fucking recorded me?" He stood up, causing John to immediately step back. "You fucking recorded me? Are you serious?"

"Wait, wait, wait," Thomas interjected. He glanced around the room. Maria slowly closed the door, disappearing. "This is the guy?"

"I'm confused on what's happening," the other guy said in a thick French accent.

"Laf, babe, what'd we talk about? If you don't know what's going on, just stay out of it," Alex said sweetly.

"I'm lost too," the girl, Peggy, said. Peggy, Lafayette, and Thomas all worked in different sections of the government, but they all liked to hang out in a nearby coffee shop or Alex's office if Alex refused to take a break from his work.

"We made a deal," John insisted.

"When I was seventeen." Alex tossed the Walkman on the desk and sat down. "Get the fuck out of my office."

"No," John stated. He swallowed hard when Alex looked up. "We made a deal. You promised you were going to marry me."

"You two would make a pretty cute couple," Lafayette pointed out. He looked to Peggy for conformation, and she nodded. Alex turned to them and glared. "I mean, I'm not sure what's going on, but you two would be pretty cute together."

"Curious as to why and when you promised to marry him," Peggy said.

"He won at a game of poker or something ten years ago." Thomas scoffed. 

"Oh, then you have to marry him," Peggy teased. She snorted, nudging Laf, who rolled his eyes.

"I'm not marrying him---" Alex threw his hands up, and looked at John. "I'm not marry you."

"Then I'll take you to court," John answered. The whole office fell silent. John looked down, back up, and then down again. There was no way he'd take it to court because, well, he knew he'd never win against a respected figure like Alexander Hamilton. But if Alex thought that John would, Alex's stature in the press's eyes was enough to make Alex back down and rethink agreeing to a court case.

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