Ch.11 Tears and Break-ups

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He lingered by the door and gave me a long tight hug. "I guess I'll see you soon?" 

"Yeah see you soon..." And with that he kissed my cheeks and said good bye. My emotions were just all over the place and I needed to sleep. I hopped up the stairs, god I hate this cast. I collapsed on my bed and let sleep overtake me.

Zayn's POV:

I left Nadia's house with my mind all over the place. I couldn't wipe the foolish grin off my face because tonight was simply great. I finally figured out what I want. I'm falling for Nadia, my best friend. I know what I have to do now. I need to man up and end things with Perrie. It's gonna be hard because yes I love her, but I've fallen out of love with her. I think maybe I get all the boys together tomorrow so I can tell them? Yeah, that sounds good. I climbed into my car and headed off to my flat. Tomorrow will be interesting...

*Next day*

I woke up and called the boys over, I just told them I needed to talk and they said they're on their way. That's one of the reasons I love them so much, they're always there for me no matter what. I'm hoping Niall can especially help me since he is going out with Ashley who is Nadia's best friend. Maybe the three of us can come up with a plan to tell her how I feel. I was sitting on the couch thinking about how I was going to tell them, when there was a loud knock at the door. I opened the door, and four of my best friends came stumbling in. 

"So what's up mate?" Liam said, clearly sensing that something was up. 

"OK, so here's the thing, ithinki'vefallenfornadiasowhatdoido?!" I gushed, getting straight to the point so fast knowing nobody could understand me. I looked up and I just saw four mouths hanging open. "Hold on mate! Slow down so we can at least understand you!" A very confused Harry said. 

"Sorry, so anyways, I've fallen for Nadia and I don't know how to tell her. Me and Nads have been getting along quite well actually and I want to make up for the years I missed with her. Should I break up with Perrie and get together with Nadia? Or should I not tell Nadia at all? Because what if she doesn't feel the same way? Wait I know she feels the same way I heard her say it herself in the hospital." I thought out loud. 

There was a long pause, like everyone was still processing what I just said. Liam spoke up first, "Well, I think you should break up with Perrie since your heart isn't entirely in it, you can't keep tagging her along if you don't want to be with her anymore." 

"We agree with Liam on this one." Louis and Harry stated.  

"Me too mate, if I didn't tell Ashley how I felt I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." 

"So what you're saying is that, I should just go for it with Nadia and leave Perrie?" I asked. All four of them shook their heads yes. 

We came up with a plan of how I'm going to do it. First I have to obviously break up with Perrie. They told me to wait to tell Nadia how I feel because it's just the right thing to do. I agreed with them. This is why I consider them as brothers because they're always there for me no matter what. I'm so grateful to have four amazing brothers.

I was walking up to Perrie's flat after I texted her that I was coming. She has no idea of what I'm about to do... I'm getting more and more nervous! I can do this, I can do this. Do it for Nadia! I thought to myself. I knocked on her door and she answered with a gigantic smile and greeted me with a gentle kiss. "Hi." I said with a forced smile... This is going to be harder than I thought! "What's wrong babe? I see it in your eyes, something is bothering you." she said.  

"I... umm... I don't...know exactly how to put this but there's someone else... I need... to... um... we need to break up.. I'm sorry I didn't plan for this to happen I swear!" I told her, stuttering almost every word.  

She had tears rolling down her face, she was so pale and the sparkle from her eyes was gone. I'm so stupid, how could I do this to a sweet girl like Perrie? Sure we had our share of problems but what relationship didn't? She did make me happy and I did truly love her, but the key word is she did. Nadia is the one so makes me happy now and she the one I love...  

"So you cheated on me?!" She asked clearly getting angry, but she had the wrong idea. "No love, I-" I was interrupted with her saying, "Don't you call me love again! How could you?!" she cried. 

"No, I did not cheat on you." 

The anger disappeared from her face and was now washed over by pure sadness. She was heartbroken and I couldn't help but feel bad. 

"So this is it? We're over?" I couldn't find the words to say anything so I just shook my head yes. She was crying so I did the best thing I could, I hugged her because I'm not an evil person. I wanted to end things off on the right foot because I didn't want to go into a relationship with Nadia feeling guilty. 

We just stayed there for a while, me hugging her as she cried. When she finally stopped and released me she asked me why. I told her the absolute truth.  

"It wasn't you, it was me. I fell for someone else. Someone I had feelings for since I was a kid I was just too stupid to realize it. She came back into my life and I realized it now. It may be too late but I'm not giving up without trying. I'm sorry, but you deserve someone who loves you for you. I'm not that guy, but he's out there and you'll find him one day."  

Her eyes were wide and staring at me with shock. After a little while she said, "Wow you've clearly fallen hard for this girl. I can see the passion in your eyes when you talk about her. You've never looked at me like that...It's your friend, Nadia is it?" 

"Yeah..." I replied smiling looking down at my feet.  

"Then go find her..." 

I looked up at her and she was smiling slightly. 

"Thank you, you're a wonderful girl Perrie and someday you'll find your prince." I whispered before walking off to go find my princess.

Nadia's POV 

Ughhh! I hate this damn cast! Thankfully I get it off tomorrow. I was currently hopping my way up the stairs, Ashley and Daniela just left. We had a girls night and watched chick flicks. I was really happy spending time with the two of them. They're getting along so great, it's like we're the three Musketeers! I was happy, but there was still one thing or should I say one person who was missing from my happiness equation. 

The doorbell rang and I groaned. I almost made it to the top of the stairs! Dad was out on a business trip for the week so I had to get the door. When I finally made it to the door and opened it, it felt like my heart literally skipped a beat. There stood, the Zayn Malik. "Hey." he whispered.  

His eyes were red and puffy. Was he crying? "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked moving aside so he can come in. He wiped his eyes thinking that can change the fact that they were still red. "I broke up with Perrie."

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