Ch. 12 Mean Girls

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We sat on the couch of my living room in silence. I didn't know what to say because half of me wanted to jump up and down and scream for joy, but the other half wanted to console him. I heard him correctly though, he said, "I broke up with Perrie." If he was the one to break up with her, why did he look so heartbroken about it? Zayn sat with his hands on the thighs of his black jeans with his head down. He wasn't crying but I could tell he was about to. I thought about what I would do if a guy had dumped Ashley or Daniela, and I suddenly knew what I had to do. I reached out and held his hand in mine ignoring the electrifying sparks jolting through my body.

"Come with me." I pulled him up and dragged him with me towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and said, "A girl's best friend," I held up a jar of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and tossed it towards him. He gave me a puzzling look but I continued grabbing all the necessary junk food for a major post break up session. I tossed him bags of chips, sour gummy worms, oreos, sugar cookies and lastly some soda and a bottle of vodka. We made our way back to the living room and placed everything in front of the couch on the coffee table. Zayn hadn't said anything he just sat on the couch as I popped in a movie that would surely get his mind off things. Mean Girls! 

"Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco!" We started laughing so hard tears were falling from our eyes. I looked over at Zayn and he looked like he was enjoying himself. He was smiling, laughing and just being goofy. It looked like he really got the break up off his mind, of course the shots of vodka didn't hurt either. I stole a glance at him and couldn't help but smile. I took in his amazing features, like his gorgeous caramel eyes , long eye lashes, sexy jawline...that riff, oh my gosh I better look away before I start drooling! I can't believe he's single now... I was still staring at him when he turned to face me. Crap! I quickly looked away at the T.V. and the credits were rolling. Did the movie finish already? How long had I been staring?! I blushed and got up to change the movie and put in another one. I put in Fast Five, one of my favorites.

I sat back down and Zayn turned to me, "Nadia there's something I need to tell you." My heart raced a little. "About Perrie and me..." He hesitated a little so I stopped him, "You can tell me when you're ready to talk about it okay? For now let's just enjoy the movie." He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer to him. I wanted to scream! We were so close I could smell his cologne that was so intoxicating, but in a good way.

"Thank you, for this." he whispered. 

"Anytime" I responded.

We were sitting in a comfortable silence, watching the movie and occasionally laughing at the funny parts when Zayn abruptly got up off the couch, tearing his arm away from me. "I'll be right back." he said, and I heard the bathroom door close. It's been at least ten minutes and I'm getting worried so I got up to go check on him. I knock on the bathroom door but I get no answer. I twist the door handle and its surprisingly unlocked, but not as surprising to see that he's not in there! I look around and I spot him through the glass door standing outside on the patio smoking a cigarette. 

"You know those are bad for you right?" He turns around at the sound of my voice and looks at the death stick in his hand and shakes his head. 

"Yeah I know, but right now they're helping." His voice comes out so crackled and horse, it just breaks my heart. I run over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He doesn't hesitate to hug me back. I don't know why I did it but it felt like the right thing to do for a friend and right now that's what he needs. A friend. Despite my feelings for him, I'm going to make sure I'm that friend for him. After all he did come to me, which is weird because I know he has his mates. 

I know it sounds cheesy but it literally felt like time had stopped. This moment was perfect and I didn't want it to end. My head was resting on his chest that rose and fell with every breath he took. I listened to his heartbeat as his arms were wrapped securely around me. It seemed like he hadn't taken a pull of his cigarette since I came out. I untangled myself from him and grabbed the white toxic roll out of his hand and brought it to my lips. Zayn's eyes went wide as I almost died coughing. 

"What the hell Nadi?!" I started laughing so hard and soon Zayn joined me. I tossed the bud in the grass. "Why did you go that?" he asked. 

"I don't know, I wanted to try it. I also wanted to make you laugh, I guess it worked." 

"Come here you silly girl," he chuckled and put his arms around my shoulder and dragged us both back inside the house. 

"I don't feel like watching the movie anymore," I said as we plopped on the couch. 

"What do you want do then?" 

"How about we just talk?" Which is honestly all I wanted to do. I could probably stay up all night just talking to him. 

"Okay, so um when do you get your cast off?" He asked. 


"Awesome, if you don't have anyone to take you I'll take you?" He said with uncertainty. Ashley said she would take me, but I could call her to tell her its okay, Zayn can take me. 

"Nope I don't, so if you can that would be great" I smiled. 

"I'd love too." 

"So tell me, what is like being in the world's biggest boy band?"

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