Ch. 2 Plane Ride

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I was sitting on the couch glancing at the clock every two seconds. Where could he be? I'm sure there's a logical explanation to why he's late. It better be a damn good excuse to be two and a half hours late! We already missed half the dance! That's it, I'm going without him! I stomped out the house grabbing my car keys and drove to my high school dance alone..I gave the women at the door my ticket and walked in to hear music blasting, couples dancing and having the time of their lives. I spotted my friend Ashley and made my way towards her. She stopped drinking her punch and gasped when she saw me with tears streaming down my face. She immediately embraced me and whispered "He's a douche." I cried softly into her shoulder until I felt a pair of big warm hands grab me by the waist making me turn around. It was him, with his dark brown hair and beautiful caramel eyes staring back into mine. My best friend, Zayn.

Sadness took over his face as he stared at me and asked what was wrong. I couldn't speak properly but I manged to get out, "He-he stood me up..." I stuttered. He wrapped those big muscular arms around me and whispered, "Lets go". Zayn, Ashley and I left the dance together with our arms linked with each others. We walked in silence to the Starbucks that was down the street. "Can I have three tall hot chocolates please?" Zayn asked the man behind the register. We got our drinks and took a seat in a booth. Zayn sat next to me with his around me and Ashley sat across from us. We were sippin' on our hot drinks when Ashley spoke breaking the silence, "I can't believe that idiot stood you up! You don't deserve that Nadia," she looked at me sincerely.

"Yeah I swear if I see that kid I'm gonna kick his ass!" Zayn shouted. "Thanks guys but it's okay I'm just glad I have you both." They both smiled back at me. "You look beautiful in that dress and I'm sorry you had to go through this but you can do way better than that loser, it's his loss." Zayn whispered to me, looking deep into my eyes which made me forget about what was going on and it seemed like it only us in the whole cafe. I started to feel something flutter in my stomach which made me look away. Was I getting butterflies? That couldn't be right. That shouldn't be right, hes my best friend and nothing more. We each walked back to the school and our cars. Ashely said goodbye and drove off. That left me and Zayn. He walked me to my car and I turned and faced him, "You didn't have to do that you know. Leave the dance."

He looked puzzled, "Of course I did, you're my best friend and I'm here for you no matter what," he smiled with that gorgeous smile of his. I grinned back and said thanks. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. My head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck and I could smell his sweet cologne. We stayed there for what seemed like hours but then reality hit and we parted. He kissed my cheek and it felt like fireworks bursted in the air and a spark was ignited. Did I have feelings for my best friend or was he just a rebound?..

*(back to reality)*

Suddenly, the plane started shaking making my heart race and awakened me from my dream. Woah I thought, why was I having dreams about him again? Maybe it was just the thought of going home I guess. I collected myself and looked at my watch, only 2 more hours to go... 

After one long and uncomfortable flight I finally landed! I was getting jittery and wanted to see everyone already. I went through that long process of getting my luggage and stuff but sooner than later I was out and looking for my dad. Once I spotted him I ran towards him, tears streaming down my face and attacked him in a bear hug. We stood there just hugging a bit then I soon let go and the questioning began. My dad asked how the flight was, and if I was hungry and blah blah blah. It was only him who came to get me because him and my mom got divorced a while ago. We got to the car and put my things in and we started driving. I looked out the window and that's when it hit me that I really missed home. One Direction was all that was playing on the radio, which made me think about the dreams I was having about Zayn.


Hope you liked it! :D xx

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