Ch. 1 Going Home

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Authors note: Hey guys just wanted to say that this is my first shot at writing so if its crap I'm sorry :) Please excuse any grammer and spelling mistakes. Please let me know what you think and sorry if it's not 'British' enough I don't live there, its all fiction :) Hope you like it! xx :D

 "28, 29..30! Here I come, ready or not!" Maybe hes under the bed? Nope. Behind the curtains? Awe man, Where could he be?! In the shower? "Aha! gotcha ya!" I yelled as I saw my crazy best friend Zayn sitting in the bathtub with a smirk on his face. "Cheater! I don't wanna play this game anymore." He yelled back at me stepping out the tub. "Fine loser. What do you wanna do then?" "Oh lets play karaoke! I'm gonna sing Micheal Jackson!" He replied and laughed. I told him I didn't wanna play that game because I can't sing, and he always wins. He puts his arm around my shoulders and says, "Its okay Nadi (he called me short for Nadia), we won't play, but just wait and see I'll become the biggest rock-star ever and you'll still be my best friend and biggest fan." "Yeah right Zayn you wish! But of course we'll still be best friends and when I become the world's greatest chef, you'll be the one trying all my food." I smiled back. "Can't wait, I do love food! Since I'm gonna be a rock-star I'm gonna have a bunch of tattoos and piercings watch, all the girls are gonna want me!" he said giving me this look. "Eww no ones gonna want you haha!" I screamed running away knowing he would chase me. We were running around in his backyard when his mum called us in for lunch.


Beep beep beep! My alarm buzzed off. "Ugh!" I grunted. Did I just dream about him? Man, I wish I could fall back asleep and continue dreaming...but I had to get up because I had a flight back home to Bradford, England! I had spent the last year in the states studying to become a chef at culinary school. I really missed home and decided to spend my whole summer vacation back in my hometown. I rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom to go get ready. After a nice hot shower, I put on some sweats, a hoodie and converse, if I was gonna be on a plane for 12 hours I was gonna be comfy. I packed some last minute things and before I knew it I was out the house heading to the airport. I was actually starting to feel nervous because I haven't seen my family and friends in so long. I talked to my dad and he said everyone was all excited to see me.

After I checked in I sat down in the boarding area and pulled out my phone. I called my dad to make sure he would be at the airport to pick me up on time. Then I decided to check Twitter. As I was scrolling down my TL I noticed a tweet that caught my eye. "zaynmalik1D: So glad to be back home spending time with my bby Perrie! :) x." Wow, I thought. He's back home and now so was I. I wonder if we'll see each other... Its been so long, since he went off to X Factor. We were still close best friends before but since he got put into One Direction and blew the hell up we lost touch and went our separate ways. I tried calling and texting him but he never responded. He doesn't even follow me back on twitter, I frowned to myself. I figured he was too busy being famous and all.

I still talk to his mum and sisters though, they're really nice and his mum is best friends with my mum so that's how we became friends in the first place, but that seems like forever hes in One Direction and dating another pop-star. Don't get me wrong I'm still a fan, their music is amazing. Just then an announcement took me out of my trance. "Flight 678 to Bradford England now boarding." I sighed and picked up my things and joined the line.

Once I got on the plane and located my window seat, put my backpack under the seat in front of me, sat down and let out a deep breath. I can do this, its only a giant plane flying thousands of miles up in the sky that could drop or crash at any point of time. No worries right? I waited for the announcement allowing me to put my iPod on. When I did, I put my headphones in and slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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