Ch. 9 Mum's instinct

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Zayn's POV continued...

"I knew it!" Was all she kept saying over and over again. Mum said she knew that there was something between Nadia and me since we were little. She said she saw it in our eyes? What the hell?! How could she know and not me? I told her everything that has been going on and she was being absolutely no help! 

"I always knew you two would end up together, I could just feel it!" 

"Mum, we're not even together! I came to you for help and you're not helping. What should I do?" 

"Alright Zayn, you just need to talk to her love, things will work out I promise. From a mother's instinct I know you two are meant for each other and sooner or later things will fall into place, you just need to give it time, but first talk to her dear."  

"Alright mum, I'll try..." I gave her a hug and thanked her. I left with her words fresh in my mind and got into my car. I dialed Ashley to see where they were. She said they had left the hospital and were at Nadia's place now and that I could come if I wanted too. I don't know if I wanted to or not but something in the back of my mind told me I needed to see her again so I went.  

I walked up the path to the door and hesitated should I ring the doorbell or just go in? Umm... I think it'll be safe if I just ring the doorbell. Seconds later Ashley opened the door and hugged me inviting me in. Niall was sitting on a couch watching a flat screen TV in front of him with a bowl of popcorn.  

"Vas Happenin?!" I greeted him. Ashley joined him, sitting close to him and Niall wrapped his arm around her. They looked so happy. 

"Nothing much mate watching a film, want to join?" Ashley elbowed him kind of hard and we both looked at her confusingly.  

"Nadia's in her room upstairs, you can go see her I think she's just on the computer." Ashley said smiling cheekily at me. 

"Uh okay." 

I trotted up the stairs, to the old familiar room of Nadia. The door was slightly opened but I knocked anyway. 

"Yeah? Come in," she answered.  

I opened the door stepping into her room, it looked exactly the same as I remembered it so long ago. The purple walls with butterfly stickers, the twinkly lights on the edges of the ceiling and the window by her bed. She was lying on her bed with her casted leg on a pillow and her laptop on her lap. She looked surprised yet happy to see me. 

"Hey I thought you were supposed to be resting?" She smirked at me. 

"Umm...Yeah. I did. For a little. Wow you're room's exactly the way I remembered it." I tried to change the subject. 

"Yeah, my dad didn't touch it since I left for the states. Brings back some memories huh?" She said looking around observing the room too. Now that I think about it, Nadia and I had some really great and funny memories. 

I strolled over to her window, Nadia's eyes watching me in curiosity. 

"Remember that time we snuck out and went to that senior party our junior year? We got so drunk and ended up getting kicked out. Then we came back here in the middle of the night climbed through this window and ended up waking up your dad. He was so mad!" I laughed. 

"Oh my gosh yes! Of course I remember my dad was so pissed, but remember you were so drunk he let you spend the night?" 

"Yeah he told me to sleep on the couch downstairs, but instead I snuck in your room and slept on the floor."  

"Yeah you got me grounded for 3 weeks!"  

"Good times..." I stared out the window reminiscing that night. That was one of the few nights I thought about asking Nadia if she would ever see me as more than a friend.  


I left the warmth of the couch and crawled up the stairs with the blanket Nadia's dad had given me. As I reached the top of the stairs I tiptoed passed his room. I turned the handle to Nadia's room very slowly trying not to make any noise. I peaked in and saw she was laying on her bed engulfed in her duvet. I carefully closed the door and walked to her side. I watched as her body rose and quickly fall as she slept. I poked her chubby cheek and she growled slightly. 

"Nads, scoot over," I whispered as I nudged her. 

"Go sleep on the couch," she mumbled into the pillow

"No I don't want too." She moved and I expected she was letting me in, but instead she grabbed a pillow and flung it at my face. She laughed in response. "Sleep on the floor." 

I grunted as I placed the pillow on the carpet beside her bed. I lay down and covered up with the blanket. "You know if we were at my place, I would share my bed with you" I laughed but she didn't respond. I closed my eyes thinking maybe this would be a good time to ask her... She'll probably think I'm still drunk, but I pretty much sobered up already.  

"Hey Nads..." I waited for her to respond before continuing.  

"Zayn, shut up and go to sleep before my dad hears you," I chuckled lowly before whispering a goodnight. Maybe another time I thought... 


I was brought out of my trance by a group of footsteps entering the room.  

"Oh my god Nads!" An unfamiliar voice called.

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