Ch. 7 Shiny Lights and Beeping Noises

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*3 days later*

Ashley's POV:

I can't believe it has been three days already and Nadia still hasn't woke up! I'm getting really worried, I think to myself as I'm sitting in the hospital room listening to the steady beeping of machines with Zayn in the chair next to me falling asleep. Poor guy hasn't gotten a good night rest since the accident. He and Niall have been with me the whole time and the other boys even came to visit. Niall went to get some things from his flat and will hopefully be here soon because I'm getting hungry and I want to eat with him!

We have been getting really close over these past few days. I'm really thankful for him because I know he's here for me and he really helps keep me calm when I'm worried so much for Nadia. Zayn is like a completely different person around Nadia, even if she isn't "here" all the way. He has been here every day and even blew off Perrie a couple of times. Even if he takes her calls in the hallway, I can still hear him raising his voice saying he needs to be here for Nadia and wants to be here when she wakes up. I can definitely sense some tension in that relationship... 

Nadia's dad also came to visit her and even if he has to work every day and can't come to the hospital, he still calls to see how Nadia is doing. Every day it is the same answer, she's still the same or there's no telling when she will wake up. I felt really bad for him, he is extremely worried. The most I could do was promise to call him once Nadia woke up.

As Niall walked through the doors, I lost my train of thought and came back to present time. "Hey Ash! Are you hungry? We can go down to the cafeteria and get some lunch for us and bring some back for Zayn." He said to me.

"Yes! I'm starving, let's go!"

That's one thing we have in common, we love to eat! We got to the cafeteria and even though their food can be disgusting, some of it is decent like the soup and desserts. Niall and I just about cleared the dessert table! I felt bad for the people behind us, not having anything good left to eat.

After we ate we made our way back to the room. When I opened the door I saw Nadia's eyes open for the first time in three days and it was such a relief. I was so happy I ran to her and hugged her! "Nadia! Thank goodness! I was so worried about you and OMG I'm so sorry it's all my fault!" I said to her all at once. "I'll go get the nurse!" Niall said happily.

Nadia's POV:

Eww, what's that smell? This bed is uncomfortable. Wait, who's bed is this? Oh shit... The last thing I remember was those bright shiny lights...I flutter my eyes open, wiping the sleep from my eyes and stare at the ceiling. Is this heaven? I look around and realize this is not heaven. I hear a bunch of beeping noises. Wires are hooked up to my arm, my leg is in a freakin' cast, and there's a brace around my neck! Surprisingly I didn't feel any pain, maybe there's medicine in these tubby things attached up to my arm. 

Well shouldn't there be a nurse or doctor in here? I mean this is a hospital right? I could be dying for Pete's sake! I looked around the room and noticed a dark shadow in the corner. I opened my mouth to talk but Ashley bursts through the door. 

"Nadia! Thank goodness you're awake!" She rambled on some more, speaking so fast I couldn't understand what she said. She hugged me lightly and when she let go there were tears in her eyes.

"I thought I lost you..." 

"Awe Ash, you'll never lose me." I said back softly cause it hard to talk in this damn neck brace. She smiled back at me and I asked her what actually is happening to me. She explained that I broke my leg and fractured my neck and that I was in a coma for three days. Great I thought. 

"So what did I miss while I was out? Apparently a lot, because was that you and Niall Horan walking in here just now?" I said raising my eyebrows. Ashley rolled her eyes and began to tell me everything that happened over the past three days.

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