Ch.10 Visitor

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend @danny1031 !!!!! Love and miss you :)

Nadia's POV: 

Zayn was staring out my window with this weird look on his face. He looked really focused, but remained quiet. I stared at his god like features. His jaw was tense, eyes narrowed out the window, and his arms folded across his chest. I closed my mouth because I would soon be drooling. Why did he have to look so perfect?  

I was interrupted from my thoughts at the sound of voices downstairs. I looked over at Zayn and he didn't seem to notice. He looked completely unaware, like he was staring off into space. I was about to reach for my cruches when the voices came closer. I figured it was Niall and Ashley but someone else was there and I couldn't make it out.  

Then they came through my door and I realized who it was. It was my best friend Daniela from America.  

"Oh my god Nads!" Daniela cried as she ran to me and squeezed me in a tight hug. I was speechless, this girl had helped me through a lot! She has always been there for me no matter what. I couldn't believe she was here. Why is she here?  

"I heard the news about your accident and I had to come and see you to make sure you're alright," she explained.  

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to see you! But you really didn't have to come all this way for me, you could have just called." 

"Of course I had to come and check up on my bestie, besides its summer and I missed you so much already!" 

"Awh Daniela, I missed you too. How long are you staying?" 

"Pretty much the rest of the summer, I have some family members not to far from here so I'll be staying with them, but pretty much spending all my time with you." Wow I thought this girl is amazing, I don't know anyone else who would do that for me. I smiled and hugged her again. I heard a deep cough which made me release her. I turned towards Zayn and introduced him to Daniela.  

"Nice to meet you, Nadia's told me a lot about you." Crap Zayn's eyes went wide in shock. I mean yeah I told Daniela everything that happened with Zayn. I meet her since the first day I went to the states, she was my roommate. We got along right away, I was a mess because of the whole Zayn leaving thing but, she was the one who gave me advice on trying and get over him. Sadly though right now I was doing the exact opposite.  

Later we all went downstairs, ordered pizza and were just hanging out in the living room watching a movie. I was sitting comfortably next to Zayn before Daniela pulled me off the couch and dragged me towards the bathroom. I knew exactly what she was gonna do. Drill me about Zayn.  

And she did exactly that. Daniela was asking all these questions, so I just explained everything to her in the bathroom. I was almost in tears telling her how these feeling were coming back and I don't know what to do about them.  

"Well babe, I don't know what to tell you. I totally understand where you're coming from and I know it's tough to be around him and stuff, but you just need to accept the fact that you're in love with him." 

"Love?" I cried.  

"Yeah I see it in your eyes. During the movie, he kept stealing glances at you and his body language was weird... Like he wanted to put his around you or something. I think he feels the same way you do to be honest." Daniela explained. Was she right? Was I in love with Zayn? I don't know if it's love but I know my feelings for him are very strong. And it sucks! 

"But he has a girlfriend Daniela! What am I supposed to do?!" 

"Talk to him." She said matter-of-factly. Ughh! I don't think I can do that. I put my head in my hands and let the tears finally fall. I don't think I've cried this much in a while... Daniela came and hugged me. I sobbed quietly on her shoulder still aware everyone else was right out outside the bathroom. 

"It's going be alright, just follow her heart and tell him." She tried to change the subject, "What's up with all his tattoos? It's kind of sexy." She laughed. I playfully slapped her arm giggling. I wiped the tears away, "That reminds me..."

I pulled my shirt exposing my shoulder and tattoo.

"AHH,"she screamed as she analyzed the permanent writing on my shoulder. She quickly covered her mouth, I can't imagine what they must think we're doing in the bathroom. I explained the meaning to her and she smiled, "See take your own advice, this too shall pass. You just need to talk to him first!"  

We left the bathroom and went back to the living room ignoring everyone's stares.

"Well well you finally return, have fun you two?" Zayn winked.

Leave it up to him to say something perverted. I ignored him as we continued watching the movie. I did notice Zayn staring at me but, what was more confusing was the way he watched Niall and Ashley. Niall had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and her head rested in the crock of his neck. It was like Zayn longed for what they had. Why would he do that when he has Perrie...? 

The movie ended and everyone left, except Zayn. He lingered by the door and gave me a long tight hug.

"I guess I'll see you soon?" 

"Yeah see you soon..." And with that he kissed my cheeks and said goodbye.

My emotions were just all over the place and I needed to sleep. I hopped up the stairs, god I hate this cast. I collapsed on my bed and let sleep overtake me.

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