Ch. 6 Meeting Perrie

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A/N: Sorry the updates haven't been regular and please excuse any grammer, spelling mistakes, typos etc.  Also, no offense to Perrie! Everything is made up!

*Still Nadia's POV*

"Nadz. Ashley. meet the boys." Zayn said pointing to Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall. 

I was actually speechless. They all said hello in unison and flashed us their gorgeous smiles. Gosh they were even more beautiful in person.  

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said trying to keep my cool. Ashley nodded in agreement as she practically drooled over Niall, but I can't blame her he was looking hot as usual. Same with Harry I couldn't stop looking to those gorgeous green eyes and deep dimples. "It's lovely to meet you girls finally Zayn told us about all the time you guys spent together in high school." Liam said. It's true what they say, he is definitely the sensible, kind-hearted and loving boy everyone says he is. 

We kind of just mingled around a bit with them and it was actually pretty normal considering they're international superstars and they were absolutely hilarious! After a little while they all kind of went their separate ways except for Niall, Ashley, Zayn and I. We were standing around the snack table and I was being my normal fat self picking at the chips and h'orderves. So was Niall, he was devouring the food like he was a bottomless pit! We were all laughing and telling jokes, and I was actually enjoying myself. I was the only one not drinking between the four of us which was unusual because normally Ashley was the responsible one, but I thought let her have fun. Who knows what's going to happen. 

"Hey Ash, wanna come out back by the pool with me?" I heard Niall whisper to Ashley. 

"Sure," she answered and that left me and Zayn alone, until a small, pale, skinny girl approached us. Oh so this is Perrie... She pranced her way to Zayn ignoring my presence and started full on snogging with him right in front of me! 

Well this is awkward...I turned on my heels ready to walk in the other direction when I heard her say, "Where have you been all night Zaynikins? I've missed you." 


I laughed to myself because I found that way funnier than it really was. I was walking around the house, admiring its beauty and how big it was. I still couldn't believe that Zayn owned a house like this, what's the point of having a house this big if you're the only one living in it? I guess I wouldn't understand since I'm not rich or famous. As I was walking pass a glass window I noticed Ashley and Niall sitting by the pool with just their feet in. Awe they looked so cute together, I can't imagine how happy she is right now. 

I stood by the window looking like a creep spying on them but it's not like I had anything better to do. Until Zayn walked over by the window taking me out of my trance.

"They sure look cozy" he said looking at them too. 

"I know. I just hope she doesn't get her hopes up and gets hurt." 

"Why would she do that?" 

"Because she has a crush on Niall." 

"Oh I see, well it looks like he likes her back." 

It did and I don't know why but I got this feeling in my stomach that I didn't like one bit. Could I be jealous? Nahh. 

"Why aren't you with what's her face?" I asked curious to what happened to the blonde tramp that was all over Zayn moments ago. 

"Her name is Perrie," he said like I should care. "And she went to the store to buy some more beer, we're running low." 

"Oh okay, she's your girlfriend correct?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. 

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