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𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

"Hello Cameron," My words came out all smushed from my jaw being restricted. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I really can't think of any reason he should be calling so early in the morning.

"Oh jeez, you forgot."

I frown, waiting for Dream's coffee to fill up the cup. I pour the milk in along with the stream of coffee, watching as it mixes together in a spiral of umber darkness and snowy white. "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that, Cameron. What did I forget exactly?"

"Our little field trip? The one the professor sent out a reminder for last night?"

The jug of milk stops moving in my hand. "Tell me that's not today."

"It's today George. Your's is Vivid Enterprises. You think you can get there?"

The phone slips from my shoulder, sliding from my shirt to the floor. I catch it as it falls against my knee, sending a spike of pain through my leg. My hand grasps the counter in reflex.

"George! Look–" The large cup tips over, sending steaming hot coffee spilling over the counter, all over my apron and jeans. The liquid sinks into my apron and dots my jeans, staining everything a caramel color.

"George?! Is everything okay?" Cameron shouts into the phone and I wince, not only at his closeness into the mic, but the fact that my skin is being baked inside the moistened fabric. I sniff the pain away, sighing and looking up in defeat.

"Karma." I see Dream's face staring down at me from over the counter, his expression speaking volumes.


"How did you get hired again?" He asks, looking at my jeans with humor. "I don't think someone as uncoordinated as you should be making people's drinks."

I block the speaker with my hand.

"Dream will you fuck off?" I ask with mock politeness. I shoot an irritated glance at everyone who's craning their neck over the counter to stare at me, and they immediately turn around looking anywhere else. Emily rushes over, blabbering something whilst cleaning up the mess, leaving me to gripe on the floor.

I cut myself off at the sound of Cameron's frantic voice. "Hello? Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm here, sorry." I sigh.

"You're at the coffee shop right?"

Yes... "I am. Listen, can you check and see what time my thing starts?" I plead, gesturing to Emily to keep the line moving. I glare at Dream who was stood there watching me, fighting the impulse to stick my middle finger into his eye socket.

"Already did. Bad news, your place is a twenty minute drive from here. And it starts in five minutes."

"Oh my God my grade." I clutch my head with both hands, listening to his slow breathing on the line. I must sound like a rearing rhinoceros right now with how worked up I am. "Where are you going?"

"DreamTech. It's about ten minutes out." I choke on my own saliva, whirling to face Dream who's startled at the sudden look. I look away quickly, staring out the window past his ear. I'm about to reply when he speaks again, with a soft, thoughtful tone.

"I mean, yours is only a few minutes out from my apartment. I bet I could make it if I leave right now."

Warmth crawls hesitantly into my chest. "Really? Can you even do that?"

"Well, probably? I doubt they'll really care. I'll just make up some bullshit about always wanting to go there or something."

"I'm going to owe you forever, thank you so much."

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