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Sorry I'm late, but the chapter is twice as long as usual chapter's so hopefully that'll make up for it! (also, there might be more grammar mistakes than usual, I didn't get a chance to edit this) 💀

Happy reading :')


𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒫𝒪𝒱

Despite us both having the day off thanks to the gathering tonight, an alarm still wakes me up.

I reach over and jab at George's phone until it goes silent, observing the soft exhale he releases as he hugs his pillow tighter. It felt wrong staring at him when he couldn't make fun of me for it. But I'm only a man, and bed-head George is a sight to behold.

Of course, I knew what the alarm was for. George's final shift at the cafe is today. He wanted to say goodbye before truly starting his work at Vent. There's something that will change once George is no longer behind that counter. That cafe brought us together. The bittersweet beginning of our love story, if you will.

"George. Wake up." He doesn't budge. I groan, hoisting myself up on an elbow to brush his hair out of his eyes. "George–"

"Shut up Dream." He grumbles, hugging his pillow even tighter if possible.

"What the hell?" A sharp wheeze escapes my chest and I watch a flicker of a smile ghost on his lips. "Do you really wanna be late on your last day Georgie?"

"If you love me, you'll let me sleep for five more minutes." He rolls over to face me, eyes still closed. I shiver when his nose presses into my neck, gentle puffs of air heating my skin.

The audacity.

"You did not." I chuckle. "You're going to fucking lord that over me until the day I die."

"You're the one who said you needed me." He teases, voice gravelly with sleep. I'm lucky I'm sitting down. He always fangirls over my morning voice, but what about his?

"I fucking hate you know that?" I mumble.

"I recall hearing the exact oppos–" He's cut off when I slip my hands under his shirt, tickling around with no mercy. He shrieks, wiggling away immediately, and I follow, laughing as he cries out. "Dream! Stop—" He yelps, giggling through it all.

"This is what you get," I laugh, locking him in my arms as I torture him. George tries to kick me and I dodge, looking over when he starts gasping through his giggles. "Dream—oh my God stop it hurts," His breathing turns to uneven pants and I finally stop, chuckling as he glares at me.

But he doesn't move out of my arms so I tighten them around him. George stiffens suspiciously before relaxing completely, still giggling a bit.

"Dick." He mumbles, closing his eyes again.

"Yes darling?"

He makes a face. "Ew."

"Why did you say ew." I whine, squishing my face into his neck.

He doesn't answer. I frown. It isn't the usual comfortable silence. There was something off in the atmosphere. He avoids my eyes and sighs, pulling closer. "What's up?" I ask quietly.

"We met at the cafe." He chews his lip. "I dunno, it's just sad to leave it."

"Well, technically we met on a sidewalk a block away from the cafe—"

"You're such an idiot." He rolls his eyes.

I smile. He's never been the sentimental type. But life had gotten so busy, we hadn't been to the cafe in so long. And now, he had to leave a piece of him behind. "We'll visit. At least every month. Like a date."

Order 73 ~DNF~Where stories live. Discover now