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𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒫𝒪𝒱

Dream, we really don't have to do this." George was saying for close to the hundredth time in the span of the ten minutes it took to drive to the cafe. "We can just go back to the flat and I'll tell him you're sleep deprived or something."

"Nice try," I smile brightly. "No chance, I've been waiting all day for this."

He gives up as I pull into the parking lot, hopping out with a laugh at George's indignant door-slam. I wave at Olivia who had come in an hour early for her night shift, and she waves at both of us, pointing us to where Cameron was waiting, because obviously she knew what was going on.

I walk over with George trailing behind me, tapping the curly haired guy sitting with his back to us. "Hey, what's up?" He turns around at record speed, eyes popping out of his head as he tries to form words, looking past me at George.

"Holy shit! You weren't lying," He breathes, standing up. "H-hi, Mr.–oh you prefer Dream right? Um, hi Dream. Ah, sorry I was ninety percent sure George was messing with me. Um, do you want to sit down or–"

"That sounds great." I smile kindly, trying to put him at ease as much as I can. George sits in between us, and I watch him send Cameron a look, manifesting him to chillax. "So, what'd you think of the press conference?"

"Man, you're even better looking than on TV," He mumbles, eyes widening as he shakes his head. "Sorry, that was dumb. Shit I'm so nervous." He apologizes, face flushing a deep red. George mutters oh my God, under his breath refusing to look me in the face.

"Cameron, calm down." He grabs his hand, tugging him a little. Cameron looks down at their intertwined hands with a nod. Dark curly hair sweeps over his eyes, his hazel eyes shining with excitement. I can tell why George finds him attractive.

"Right, yeah your tech is actually amazing dude. Wow, it was a great way to present it too. It looked so freakin' awesome." He says, his leg bounces nervously, shaking the table just slightly. "Man, George only mentioned your name yesterday. I didn't know you guys were good friends."

"That was my fault mostly," I tell him. "I usually try to keep a low profile. Too many people knowing who I'm close to doesn't end well most times."

Ah," He swallows, nodding. "I would never, you know, say or expose anything–"

"George trusts you, so I do. Don't worry about it." I assure him. George looks down at the table, smiling with an embarrassed flush. Cameron blinks at us, laughing as we both glance at each other and look away quickly.

"Wanna tell me about your research? George has been telling me you've been wanting to work at DreamTech for a while."

Cameron's jaw drops.

The conversation quickly turns into a job interview. Straight away, I realize that Cameron is super smart, and has a lot of potential. He could hold up a conversation about pretty difficult topics, although he sounded like he preferred leadership more than the technical stuff. I make a mental note to introduce him to Leia. I also learned that he was assigned to come to DTech, but switched places with George because the idiot had forgotten about the trip.

George got bored of our chat a long time ago. His cheek was in his hand, eyes closed with sleep as he slowly gravitated toward me. Cameron starts to notice when the Brit rests his face on my shoulder, out-cold.

"So sorry, he has no regard for boundaries anymore." Usually I wouldn't mind if he passed out on me; it had happened on multiple occasions. But I figured it would be kinda weird in front of his boyfriend–dating–whatever he was. I gently shifted George back on the table, laying him on the wood warmed by the hot chocolate we had ordered fifteen minutes before. "I swear, he manages to fall asleep everywhere."

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