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𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

"Get crumbs in my car and I'll kill you." Dream mumbles around his slider, taking a careful bite from the side.

I swallow a mouthful of crispy chicken. "We could have gone inside to eat like normal people. Deal with it idiot."

We're sat in the car park outside Dream's new apartment building, too hungry to wait and go inside. I'm not really sure what the plan is, now that I'm basically homeless, but I try not to think about it. Instead, I inhale the crinkle fries in front of me, pausing only for a sip of vanilla milkshake.

"I've got to text Tommy. Both Wilbur and Quackity are probably still plastered." They usually don't do that. One of them stays sober just for the teen's sake. But, Sapnap didn't exactly tell anyone but the minors that the juice was spiked. So I can't really blame them.

"Karl and Sapnap are there with them. You think Wilbur would be okay with them staying over? Sapnap says he's too tired to drive back." He reads off his phone, scrolling through his texts.

"If a few of them are okay with sleeping on the floor." I shrug. Looks like our little friend group is growing. He texts his friend back and I send Tommy a text, making sure he's alright before waiting for Dream to say something.

He catches me watching and puts down his phone, sighing into his hand. "What a mess."

I nod. "I'm really sorry for all of this. You've got enough stuff going on without the drama that is my life."

"Quit apologizing for things out of your control." He shakes his head. I bite my lip, looking forward. "So we've got two options. I can drop you off at Wilbur's, and you can sleep on their floor, or you can help me unpack a bit and crash at my place. Bonus, we're already here."

"You just don't want to drive all the way over to Will's." I tease as he advocates for the second option.

He shrugs. "Pretty much."

I suppose I have my answer then. We stroll to the building, a chilly breeze whistling past our shoulders. Goosebumps settle on my skin, and I shiver as we walk swiftly to the entrance. The door is opened for us, and Dream thanks the lady warmly. He asks if I wanted to take the stairs and I smack him in the arm, hauling my suitcases behind me with a bit of difficulty.

But I get what he was saying about this place feeling more like a home. It had a fireplace feel to it, unlike the hotel vibes from the last one. Quiet music fills the silence between us and I wince, flashing back to a very familiar memory, partially skewed thanks to the amount of alcohol I consumed that night.

Dream is wearing a humored smirk on his lips, and I know he's thinking about the same thing. I roll my eyes, waiting for the lift to reach the top. I'm surprised to find out he didn't rent out the penthouse, just picking a regular floor instead.

We walk the hallway and he scans his card, swinging the door open. The lights switch on, dimming as though they could sense the hour, as I walk inside. "Welcome home." He yawns, locking the door behind us as we both kick our shoes off.

I grin, looking around the place I had only seen in pictures. His and Sapnap's music shelves were perfectly intact, nailed into the walls. The sofas were also laid out in front of the TV. The two-sided whiteboard that always had his latest ideas scribbled on it was tucked safely in the corner as well. But everything else was packed away neatly into boxes littering the floors.

"You can go take a shower. I'm gonna get these boxes out of here." He kicks one, and I laugh as he curses, holding his foot in pain. He glares at me, giving me the finger with half-hearted malice.

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