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Ladies, gentlemen and others....them ^


𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

"You could have told me," Dream snaps, whirling to face me.

I wince.

The hurt laced within his subdued voice stings more than the irritation ever could. His expression turns scarily stoic, barely hidden anger threatening to bubble to the surface. "At least I could have been a little more prepared."

"I—" I clench my jaw, an adrenaline rush staggering my breathing. "I didn't know how,"

"What do you mean you didn't know how?" He shakes his head, smiling at the ceiling without humor. "Hey Dream, I talked to Techno about needing a job and that might be an ultimatum they throw in our face. Is that so fucking hard?"

"I didn't know they would do that!" I shout back.

"I don't care! I looked like a fucking idiot for not knowing my roommate who I work with went to another company for a job!"

"If I want to work for Techno and Phil I'll work for them." I hiss, pressing my finger into his chest. "You can't dictate what I do with my life,"

"I wasn't–" His eyes catch on mine. Blonde hair falls over his eyes and he runs a hand through it in exasperation. "I wasn't trying to dictate anything."

I stay silent, crossing my arms around my stomach. His shoulders lock with tension, and I stare at them as he composed himself. "I always told you I would never pressure you to work for my company. That's your choice. But at the moment, Techno and I aren't friends. We're soon to be business partners." He breaks eye contact, visibly stressed as he paces the room.

"That means he's going to do anything he can to get better terms, because that's what he has to do. Now is not the time to keep things from me because George, you know everything about my company. I may trust you, but I also have to think about everything else, everyone else–"

"Do you really think I'm dumb enough to get tricked into giving away information? Are you fucking serious?" I raise my voice, hurt boiling inside of me, simmering unease as I wait for an answer.

"Of course not, quit putting words in my mouth." He returns angrily. "I trust you more than I fucking should–more than myself sometimes. Which is why I thought you'd at least mention something like that,"

"I had other things on my mind than a stupid hypothetical!"

"Like what?" His voice lowers just slightly, confidence wavering. He shakes it off, looking me directly in the eyes. "What exactly did you have on your mind George?"

My heart freezes in place. Staring up at him, all my confidence slowly seeps out of me, leaving frigid fear in its place. Even with the tension between us, he realizes that was cruel. I ignore the question, taking a calming breath. "Barlowe isn't going to stay away forever. I work for Phil, your company is safe. Is that not worth it?"

My stare is eagle-focused on the corner of his shoulder, but I look up when he doesn't answer. Dream leans back against the conference table, clasping his hands on the glass tightly. "No. It's not worth it if you're being forced into doing something you don't want to do."

"I'm not." My throat closes up. "I was never planning on working for DTech anyways."

I don't miss the flash of hurt in his eyes. He forces it down expertly, schooling his expression into something impassive.  "...that's fine." I feel like I've just been tossed into the ocean, shivering when he clears his throat.

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