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𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

"Welcome to the team." Techno nods with a tiny smile. I accept his extended hand that was considerably larger than mine, shaking firmly. "You start tomorrow. 8 AM."

Excitement jolts my face into a bright smile, spark plugs igniting the engine of my brain in a burst of electricity and energy. My eyes flick to Phil's, who was sending a proud fatherly smile in my direction.

Oh my god. Oh my God. I've got a job. And it's at one of the most prestigious companies in the world. Oh my God.

"Thank you. Both of you." My hands tremble with glee and I hide them behind my back, taking a calming breath. They give me a wave goodbye and I back out professionally, waiting for the door to shut before booking it down the hall.

The lift doors take so bloody long to close. My foot tapes against the decadent marble flooring as someone gets in, staring at the numbers that descend closer to the lobby. I could barely contain myself, trying to keep the shit-eating grin threatening to make itself visible, off my face.

"Good news?" Well, that didn't work.

The pretty woman with brunette hair pulled back by a shiny scrunchie directs her warm brown eyes toward me. "I just accepted a job offer." I provide, tearing my gaze from the bright numbers on the panel.

"You must be George! My name is Cara, nice to meet you." She laughs at my confusion. "You're all Phil's been talking about. He really likes your ideas."

"That's nice." That's so fucking cool. "Nice to meet you Cara."

"This is my floor, see you tomorrow then?" She asks. I nod, extending a hand. She had raised her hand in a goodbye wave so we laugh and awkwardly high-five. "Bye George."

As much as I'd like to meet my future colleagues, I'm relieved when no one else gets in. As soon as doors open to reveal the lobby, I look around, pleased to see there aren't many people mingling around in the large space. The only person that does matter, however, is shifting uncomfortably in one of those small leather seats in the waiting area, legs too long to sit properly. He's tapping his foot, scrolling through his phone without actually paying attention.

My lips quirk into a smile and I head over to him, restraining a laugh when he looks up, pretty eyes shining when they notice my expression. He stands up and I launch myself into his arms, grinning into his neck with a relieved sigh.

"Congrats Georgie." His voice glosses over my giddiness, calming me down at least for the moment. He leans down tentatively to press a quick kiss to my forehead, smiling when I rest my chin on his shoulder, relieved.


We both pull apart immediately, cheeks flushing when Techno's raised eyebrow comes into view, less judgmental and more teasing. His expression smoothens into professionalism, clearing his throat again. "Sorry to interrupt ah–that."

Dream wheezes and I cover my eyes in an attempt to hide my embarrassment, failing miserably when his laughter increases in volume. Techno chuckles and I shoot a death glare at the blonde before giving my attention to the awkward man.

"Usually we give signin' bonuses with the first paycheck, but ah...Phil and I have no reservations about givin' this to you now. Congratulations George." He hands me the check, nodding at Dream before turning around, heading back to the lift.

"He'll warm up to you. Techno's really cool once you gain his trust." Dream exhales through the words. I barely register his reassurance, looking down at the slender piece of paper in my hands, hardly daring to breathe. He notices, hooking his chin over my shoulder to take a look.

Order 73 ~DNF~Where stories live. Discover now