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here *extends both palms* take some angst


𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒫𝒪𝒱

My chest loosens up from sitting up all night with each new inhale, breathing in comfortably for the first time today. I let my eyes wander over the cozy atmosphere. Kristin's been busy. The two biggest walls are a freshly painted peachy color instead of their usual light grey. It makes the room appear even warmer than usual.

I scan the room, stare landing on three very familiar people. Wilbur and Sapnap are both squatted on the floor, both sporting soft smiles on their faces with Taylor in between them clutching her dolls in her hands, looking serious as she explains something to them which is probably of the utmost importance.

Scratch that. Four.

Above them, sitting in a plastic chair at a dinner table, is George, looking down at them with a tired smile. He was sporting pajamas pants and an oversized shirt, like he had gotten dragged out of bed for this.

I stand there like an idiot, watching them for a bit as I lean against the cool wall for just a moment, enjoying the pleasant scent of drying pigment. Before I could leave however, a loud Dream! sounds across the room.

My whole being groans, cheeks burning with embarrassment as Taylor rushes toward me. She tackles my legs as usual, and I grip the wall to steady myself, unable to be mad at her as much as I'm trying to. "Hey Tay." I mumble, trying at a smile.

"Sapnap said you were busy but you came!" She says adorably. And with that, I'm pulled into the thick of the group.

"Hey man." Sapnap greets. He glances at George who had his eyes primed on the very interesting looking tabletop.

"Hey guys." I keep my eyes on him until he looks up, but he doesn't. Instead, George visibly swallows, looking like he was counting every blemish on the table in front of him. Wilbur grunts out a response, looking a little pissed.

"George! Dream's here! We can play Kingdom now!" Taylor giggles. I want to just melt in a puddle and die, right here. Right now.

"Yeah, let's do it." He says softly, sending a strained half smile her way, eyes still avoiding mine.

I open my mouth and close it, looking at Sapnap who looks back pointedly. I shake my head, taking an awkward step back. Because even the exhausted half-smile on George's face has vanished with my presence. If I have to leave so it comes back, so be it. "Actually I came to take you out to ice cream Tay. But I forgot something at the office. Sap, can you guys take her?"

Sapnap sighs in defeat. "Sure man."

I kneel down next to Taylor who puts on a pout. "Can you come with us pleaseee?"

"Next time." I promise. She extends her pinky finger and I smile, locking it with my own. I pull out my wallet, handing her an extra ten dollar bill. "Here. Get some extra candy, but don't tell Sapnap or I'll get in trouble for rotting up your teeth."

She giggles, showing a zipping motion against her lips before bounding off to ask her mom for permission. I watch her go, knees popping uncomfortably as I get back on my feet.

The stark contrast of weather hits me smack in the face with each gust of the autumn wind. I'm halfway to my car when a quiet voice stops me at the curb. I turn around to see Wilbur standing there, halfway out the door, looking behind him before coming out to meet me.

"Dream." He greets, frowning. I nod, gesturing to him to get it over with. After a beat of silence, however, he unsurprisingly surprises me. "You're not being a bitch. I understand."

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