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don't eat pizza without your lactaid pills if you're lactose intolerant; advice of the day


𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

I had woken up to an empty flat with a note stuck to my forehead. I was more than a little pissed; I thought he'd at least wake me up to say goodbye. Then again, it was only one week. I think I'll live.

Bought you a heater last night, go pick it up at the front desk. cya in a week ;)

I genuinely don't know how I survived all those years living alone, because it was absolutely awful without Dream. The first two days felt pretty normal, with the exception of coming back to a quiet flat and strict kitchen restrictions. I could actually watch a show in peace, without him criticizing every little stupid thing that didn't make sense.

It was around the third day that I really started to miss Dream's presence. Half of it was because I couldn't go over to his room in the middle of the night and steal his body heat away from him, instead having to blast the heater until sunrise.

The other half was his lopsided grins and soft touches, finger puppets underneath my blanket forts, and petty arguments that ended with reluctant apologies before he pulled me in for an unwanted embrace that I melted into every time. It was the few mornings that I'd wake up solely to pick out the most ridiculous socks for his day at work and nights in front of the whiteboard, scribbling out our thoughts.

We texted once or twice, but they were hurried since he always had to be one place or the other. It was so dumb. It had only been three days. But when he called at ten in the night, I picked up the second ring.

Cameron and I were spending more time together now that I didn't really want to go back to my flat. But I noticed the more time we spent together, the more it didn't feel the same as before. We talked mostly about where we wanted to work, and which professors we were going to keep in touch with. I didn't agonize over what to wear, nor stutter over my words when he said something cute. We sort of just...existed together.

Is this what the aftermath of falling in love feels like? It was a question I'm having trouble answering. Because I don't know.

Ranboo and Tommy were bunking school this afternoon, some mechanical engineers were working on a project, and invited the interns to join them. Tubbo asked if I could come with him, so I moved my afternoon shift to another morning one. It was the last day before Dream got back, and the amount of stories of the three teenager's antics were enough to fill up an entire night.

"Karl! Can you get me some more paper towels?!"

I was running a bit behind; I had spilled someone's order and it threw me off schedule. Making three drinks at once was Karl's thing, definitely not mine. I scowl at him as he laughs at my struggles, spooning matcha powder into someone's latte. He drops down a few more paper towels onto the floor and I mutter a thanks, wiping up the sweetened spill.

"No way!" Karl exclaims excitedly, but goes silent as soon as he says it. My eyebrows furrow as I scrub the last of the coffee from the floor, looking up at him.

"Sorry ma'am! I'll be with you in a moment!" I shout over my shoulder over the chatter of the cafe. "What Karl?"

Karl stays quiet, so I ignore him, throwing the wad of paper in the trash and stripping off my gloves. I rummage around the cabinets for a new pair, casting a glance at the people seated near the windows. Morning customers don't really like it when you get off schedule. I'm going to have to start multitasking again. Poor Emily is going to have to visit all the tables and grab their orders the minute she comes in for her shift.

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