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𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒫𝒪𝒱

I look out at the sea of people George has helped. Bright, genuine grins adorning faces that shouted congratulations. The turnout made sense. The Brit was always giving his kindness in any way he could, sharing his knowledge for the benefit of the many.

I turn to look at him, a grin of my own stretching my features when I realize he's rooted to his spot, eyes glazed over with happiness, frozen with disbelief.

"You've helped a lot of people in a short amount of time." Wilbur smiles. "They just wanted to tell you they appreciated it."

George looks at me and I nod at him to go on. Alyssa is the first one to come up to us, tugging him out of his stupor. The whole room is plunged in blue: table clothes, balloons, decorations, even the cake. The curtains blocked any natural light, allowing the violet and sapphire bulbs they replaced the normally fluorescent white ones with, to bathe everything in a warm cobalt glow.

Everyone pitched in a little,  but Wilbur and Quackity did most of the work. I think they told George they had a gig or something to get him off their backs. I helped too after my meeting, getting to know Quackity and Niki better. His friends were as interesting to talk to as him.

The desks and computers were all cleared away, the large LED dance floor shining in the middle of all the chaos, probably dragged over from the rec room. George is tugged away to cut his cake, now glowing with sparkling candles, so I quietly make my way over to Niki. She was observing everything from her spot near the elevator, a soft smile directed at her friends.

"Hello Dream." She says, greeting me with a friendly face.

"Hi," I returned her smile. "What are you doing all the way over here?"

"It's loud in here. I just like to watch." She giggles, watching Wilbur and Quackity dance around George who was stepping away from them with a quizzical look. "It was very nice of you to let us use this space. Especially because it's still working hours for you, is it not?"

I lean back against the wall, crossing my arms. "That's okay. It's cool seeing him happy."

She hums, raising an eyebrow as Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and a few others flow out onto the dancefloor. Tommy starts doing some weird jazz-hands dance as the other two watch with interest. "I was going to ask Will, but anyways, do you know what happened to George?"

I frown, looking down at her and she continues.

"Yeah, he came to my apartment with a bruise on his face. I helped him cover it up with a bit of makeup, I was just wondering how he got it." She shrugs, eyebrows furrowed with worry. That's why he looked a little different.

"Ah, I don't..." I look at him, his lips stretched in a grin talking to Alyssa and Olivia who had scared his best friends off. "I don't know."

"Hm. That's odd." She tilts her head, looking just as confused as I felt. "I have a feeling he didn't tell Will or Alex either. I wonder what happened."

"He probably just fell." I try to convince myself, shooting her a humorous grin. "He's always falling over stuff anyway."

"Yeah, he does do that quite often." She laughs heartily. "Well anyway, I've got to go. I've got a few assignments due tonight..." She rummages through her purse, handing me a small pack of wet-wipe looking things. "Those are make-up wipes, give them to George for me?"

"Oh, yeah sure." I tuck them into my pocket, watching her step into the elevator. "Uh, bye."

"Bye Dream!"

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