Chapter 8

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CHAPTER 8/The Third Task

"I can't believe it! I mean, we already have tests, now they wanna top a Tri-Wizard competition on all of it!" Siri let out a loud groan, slumping against the wall in defeat. They had announced the date for the last task yesterday, and she was still throwing a fit about it.

"It'll be fine." I comforted as best as I could. Ron and Hermione walked up to us, Hermione looking rather grim with the news she brought.

"Good news, I suppose. The task is a maze." Hermione informed us, and Siri let out another groan.

"I hate mazes."

"Also, you and Harry are going in as a team." Hermione added.

"I hate teams." Siri muttered before her head snapped up, eyebrows furrowed. "Wait- as a team? Why? We've been going it alone so far."

"Apparently the Ministry decided that it was too dangerous of a task for a fourteen year old to compete in alone, so you'll be going in as a team with 50 points- matching Cedric." Hermione informed us with a weak smile, and Siri let her head drop back against the wall. 

"I hate the number fifty."

"What do you not hate?" Ron asked, hiding a smile. Siri smiled back at him, pretending to think about it for a moment.

"Me." Siri replied finally before being ambushed by a large, black animal.

"SNUFFLES!" Siri yelled as Sirius pounced on her in dog form, and when he licked her cheek she cringed, but the smile on her mouth was unmovable.

"Ew, dad. We've talked about that." Siri laughed, shoving him off. Snuffles growled, coming to stand by me and nudging my hand happily.

"Hello, kids." Lupin said as he approached us shortly after Snuffles, smiling contentedly. His robes had less patches on them than the year before, his expression much happier. Life had been good to Remus Lupin since his best friend's return.

"Moony! What are you and Snuffles doing here?" Siri asked as she caught sight of him, surprise evident in her tone. After the second task, Lupin and Sirius had left almost immediately, saying they had buisness to take care of.

"Well, Snuffles insisted that as soon as we got the house, we were to come back here. Besides, we missed you both." Lupin said, smiling at me while he pulled his goddaughter into a hug, and used his other arm to pull me in as well. Snuffles whimpered.

"Fine, Snuffles. Will you four mind going somewhere more private? Snuffles wants to say something- and I really don't think too many people would understand why an Azkaban escapee is walking the corridors." Lupin said, and we nodded. An abandoned classroom was closest to us, and after shufflinf inside Remus used his wand to lock the door.

As soon as the door was closed and we were hidden inside, Sirius transformed back to his human state, hugging his daughter tightly before he bought me into the hug, as well.

"It's so good to see you both." He said warmly, and I grinned. Sirius had cleaned up, his black hair cropped at his shoulders now, and his Azkaban robes had been traded for dark red ones.

"What are your two doing here? You're supposed to be-" Hermione started, looking half-ready to scold them, but Lupin raised his hand, stopping her mid-way through her sentence.

"We were in London sorting some buisness matters out- They were finished early, so we decided to come here."

"I'm glad you did!" Siri said, her eyes glowing happily. Lupin turned to her with a smile, but after a moment his face grew serious, a small frown pulling at his lips.

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