HP&SB: The Goblet of Fire

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POV Third Person

"Harry. Harry!" Hermione yelled, shaking Harry awake. Harry jumped, his hand going to his scar.

"Are you all right?" Hermione asked, her brow furrowing. Harry nodded, catching her expression and putting his hand down from his head, trying to pass it off as a scratch.

"Bad dream." He mumbled. "When did you get here?" 

"Just now. You?"

"Last night." Harry responded, watching as Hermione walked over to another bed, a lump under the covers.

"Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!"

"Bloody hell." Ron cried, covering himself with his bed sheet. Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Honestly, Ronald? Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep." Hermione smiled, before walking  over to the last bed, and lightly shaking the covers off to reveal the body of Siri Black.

"Siri! Wake up!" Hermione whispered, but Siri didn't move, her eyes not even twitching. Hermione sighed before standing up.

"SIRI JAYLA JAMIE REMA PENNY BLACK, GET YOUR LAZY BUM OUT OF BED!" Hermione yelled, but Siri just snored. 

"Siri, breakfast is ready!" Hermione cried, exasperated, and Siri bolted up, her upper half sticking up straight.

"Morning 'Mione!" She said cheerfully, her grey eyes bright and alert, her black braid falling down her back. Siri blew her side bangs out of her face before standing up and stretching, walking towards the door.

"Morning Weasley, Potter! Ready to go, right? Come on then, breakfast is ready! Let's go!" Siri rambled, throwing a coat over her t-shirt and walking out the door. Ron whistled.

"Well, she likes her food." 

Harry laughed and nodded, getting out of bed as Hermione left the room.

POV Harry Potter

Later, Siri, Hermione, most of the Weasley clan and myself were walking up a hill, Ron and I were trying to keep with Hermione and Siri, who were several feet in front of us, Siri's braid bouncing off her back while Hermione's ponytail swayed back and forth in the same pace Ron and I were using.

"Ron, where exactly are we going?" I asked, keeping hold of my backpack. Ron shrugged.

"Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron yelled, as he and I ran up the hill a bit, catching up with the girls.

"We'll be there soon, Keep up!" Mr. Weasley called as we approached a large tree that had a man standing at the bottom of it.

"Arthur! About time, son!" The man cried, and he and Mr. Weasley shook hands.

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley replied, gesturing to Siri , Ron and I. Mr. Weasley turned to us.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry." Mr. Weasley introduced, before a boy jumped out of a tree, landing next to Mr. Diggory. He had on a striped shirt, jeans and a jacket, a large backpack by his side. 

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Mr. Weasley said, and Cedric shook his hand.

"Yes sir." 

"So, looks like good-looking boys do fall from tree's, right 'Mione?" Siri whispered, and Cedric grinned at her while Hermione blushed. Siri grinned back at Cedric crookedly.

"Merlins beard! You must be Harry Potter!" Mr. Diggory cried, shaking my hand. I smiled.

"Yes sir."

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