Chapter 12

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I felt the tears running down my cheeks as I  held onto Cedric’s dead body and Siri’s bleeding one. Siri was crying violently, holding her bleeding arm. She had moved in front of me mid-port key, and Voldemort’s curse had hit her arm instead of my face, his intended target.

“Harry?” Siri coughed, her eyes opening in shock, tears pouring down her face. Gray eyes were rimmed with dark red, her make up smudging down onto her cheeks.

“Harry!” A voice yelled, and I felt someone trying to pry my numb hand’s off of Cedric.

“No! No! Don’t!” I yelled, struggling. This can’t be real. Cedric’s not dead, Siri's not screaming, Voldemort's not back... This can't be real.

“Harry! Siri!” Another voice yelled, and Lupin ran up, kneeling down next to us.

“For God’s sake, Dumbledore, what’s happened?” Fudge's voice stuck out among the many sounds that surrounded the arena, his voice sounding loud and obnoxious compared to the smooth coldness that belong to Voldemort's. Voldemort. Something in me snapped, and I found myself yelling, nearly screeching.

He’s back! He’s back..” My voice was hoarse,. “Voldemort’s back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back- I, I couldn’t leave him, not there..” 

“It’s all right, Harry. It’s all right. He’s home. You all are.” Dumbledore's voice was soothing, but I found no peace in being comforted. I let my head fall forward as I cried, trying to block out the sound of the people around me. Dumbledore patted my shoulder lightly before turning to Fudge, his voice turning grave.“Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just  been killed.” 

“The body must be moved, Dumbledore. There’s too many people here!” Fudge's voice had turned into a forced whisper, as a sobbing Amos Diggory broke through the crowd.

“That’s my son! That’s my boy! It’s my boy!” He yelled, his face red, while Arthur Weasley tried to keep him on his feet.

“Siri, love, it's okay- It’s over.” Lupin was trying to provide comfort, holding a crying Siri, who was keeping her bleeding arm to her chest. Her other hand was in Cedric's, fingers intertwined. Sirius walked up in dog form, laying down next to his daughter and myself.

“Remus, she needs to get to the Hospital Wing.” Dumbledore murmured, staring at Siri’s arm with a small, concerned frown.

“Yes Headmaster.” Lupin said, standing and trying to pull Siri with him, but Dumbledore stopped him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“I need you here- I’ll call Madame Pomefrey.” 

“But-” Lupin started, before cutting himself off. Instead of finishing his sentence he nodded silently before turning to Siri, who had started shaking. “I have to go help Dumbledore. You’ll be ok, Siri. I promise.” 

Lupin smiled weakly for a minute, leaning down and touching my shoulder comfortingly before walking towards the crowd, probably in hopes to try and calm it. Siri's breath was labored, her hand tightly grasping Cedric's and her eyes shut tight. She was murmuring something quietly, nearly uninteligable.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry.. You promised.. Cedric.. Come back.. I'm so sorry...." Her phrases were repetitive and remorseful, filled with grieving. It pained me to hear, and I was about to lean over, to say something to her, because focusing on her pain was easier than focusing on my own. But before I could speak a hand landed on my shoulder, roughly pulling me up.

“Come on, Potter. Get up.” Alistair Moody barked, and reaching over he grabbed Siri and started walking us into Hogwarts despite both our protests, a low moan leaving her throat as her hand was pulled out of Cedric's. 

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