Chapter 5

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                 The Yule Ball

"Bloody hell." I heard Ron mutter, and I walked into the boy's dormitories to see Ron wearing the dress robes his mum had sent him. The hung off his body limply, a drab greenish-grey colour that clashed dreadfully with his hair. He was frowning awfully into the mirror, looking stunned before he spoke.

"What are those? What are those?" He asked, scowling. I glanced down at my own robes, frowning.

"My dress robes. Why?

"Well, they're all right, aren't they? No lace. No dodgy little collar." Ron complained, turning back to his reflection.

"Well, I expect yours are more.... traditional." I suggested, and Ron snorted amusedly, rolling his eyes and grimacing.

"Traditional? They're ancient! I look like my Great Aunt Tessie!" He muttered, before smelling his robes and grimacing. "I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie."

"Murder me, Harry." He begged, and I let out a quiet laugh as I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him forcefully down into the common room. As we passed the girl's dormitories he sighed, shaking his head.

"Poor girls. I bet they're alone in their room, crying their eyes out." 


"Hermione and Siri. Come on Harry, why do you think they wouldn't tell us who they're coming with?" He said, and I blinked. Ron sighed, sounding exasperated before continuing.

"Nobody asked them! I would've taken one of them myself if they weren't so bloody proud." He grimaced, but it was nothing compared to Padma Patil's face when she saw what her date was wearing.

"Don't you look... Dashing?" She said it more like a question, and Ron hung his head in defeat, looking incredibly put-out. Parvati smiled at me kindly.

"There you are, Potter. Are you and Miss. Patil ready?" Professor McGonagle's voice came from the left, and turning we watched as she walked up to us, her green dress making small swoosh sounds with each step she made.

"Ready, professor?" I asked, puzzled. Ready for what?

"To dance. It's traditional that the three champions- Well, in this case five- are the first to dance. Surely I told you that!" She said, looking amused. I blanched, shaking my head quickly.

"No, I don't think..." I started, but McGonagle cut me off quickly, rolling her eyes.

"Well, now you know. As for you Mr. Weasley, you may proceed into the Great Hall with Miss. Patil." She sighed, hiding a small smile when she saw Ron's robes and expression. Shaking her head in amusement as Padma left for the Great Hall- Ron, on the other hand, stayed next to me, watching his date walk off with a mildly disgruntled expression. Tsking, McGonagle turned back to me. "By the way, Potter, have you seen Miss Black any where?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm right over here!" A familiar voice broke in, and I turned around to see Siri approaching, placing an earring in the meanwhile. Her dress was light blue, a sheer layer on top of the main body of the dress. Her hair had been pulled back into a bun, but was plaited along one side.

"Where have you been?" I asked, frowning. It was odd to see her like this- Her makeup done, hair pulled up and above all, in a dress. Especially one as floaty-looking as the one she was wearing now. She was just so... not Siri-like, at the moment. But at the same time it fit her incredibly well. "The champions are the ones to dance first- And did you grow?" I frowned, taking in her height, which appeared to be the same as mine.

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