Chapter 10

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“Harry! Come on, I think I’ve spotted something!” I heard Siri call, and I ran up to  her. She was pointing down a path that lead to a creature I thought I’d hopefully never meet.

“That’s a sphinx, Siri.” I gasped as the sphinx’s cold eyes stared at me for a moment before turning back to Siri,staring at her like she was a wonderful snack.

“I know! Isn’t she cool?” Siri grinned, completely oblivious to the sphinx as it licked it’s lips.

“Siri... They eat the people who don’t solve their riddles.”

“I know, Potter. So? Come on, the riddles can’t be that hard- They do want a winner for the tournament.” Siri scoffed, and before I could stop her she ran up to the sphinx, practically beaming.

“You are very near you goal. Answer my riddle, and you will find what you seek; answer me wrong, you become my tasty treat.” The sphinx said in a warm voice, and Siri grinned. “We’ll take the Riddle.” I said reluctantly, and Siri nodded once in agreement.

The sphinx straightened herself up to full height before speaking, clearing it's throat.

“First think of a person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies,

Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle, the end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together, and answer me this:

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?” The sphinx finished, and Siri looked at me. “We got lucky, it’s not too hard.”

“What?” I asked, and she let out an exasperated sigh before continuing. “The middle of middle, the end of the end. That’s the letter ‘D’, as in dumb. The other obvious one is the first clue. A spy.”

“Ok, but what’s the last one? During the search for a hard to find word?” I asked, and Siri thought for a moment.

“ I really don’t know.” She shrugged, smiling sheepishly. I frowned slightly in thought when it hit me. “Er! That’s what it is- Er!” I grinned, and Siri laughed, it having a certain canine-sound to it, much like her father.

“Brilliant! Ok, so Spy-er.... Er...” She trailed off, thinking.

The sphinx looked at us expectantly, whether for an answer or if we were done cooking yet, I didn’t know. “

You forgot the ‘D’.” I reminded her, and Siri’s eyes lit up.

“Spider! Spy-d-er! Harry! We got it!” She whooped, before turning to the sphinx. “It’s a spider!”

“Very well, you may pass.” The sphinx sighed, stepping aside and letting Siri and I run through.

“Thank you Miss. Sphinx!” Siri called back as we ran straight forward.

“So, what do you think- CEDRIC! RUN!” Siri broke off, veering right and disappearing from sight. “SIRI!” I called, jogging after her to see her hexing a blast-ended skrewt, along with a very put-out looking Cedric.

“Stupefy!” Cedric yelled, and the skrewt collapsed.

“Thanks Sirs.” Cedric grinned, and Siri nodded, though her eyes were on something else.

“There it is.” She muttered, looking at a glowing blue cup in the center of the maze before turning and grabbing my arm. Siri let out a loud laugh, taking off towards the cup with me in tow, along with leaving a very dumbstruck Cedric behind us.

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