1- 𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨

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Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie had defeated Vecna instead of going through the portal back to Hawkins to see Dustin, Lucas, and Max.

Steve and Eddie had just escaped the upside down, Nancy had went with Robin, which left Steve with Eddie. They were in the dark in silence, alone. The pair had walked to skull rock, still out of breath. They sat on the ground to rest for a moment. The two were in pain, but especially Steve.

"Steve" Eddie panted. "Are you okay?"

Steve looked into his eyes. They were both soaked in water, dirt, and blood. He looked at Eddie. His hair was wet and messy, his clothes torn and wrecked. The other boy looked back at Steve, he was even more of a mess, dirty and cut up, blood dripping from his bottom lip.

"We did it. I didn't think we could do it without El" he was shocked. "I'm- I think I'm okay."

Steve thought back to what had just happened. Vecna had tried to him and Eddie saved him. But why? He was an asshole to him earlier in highschool, and Eddie had still saved him? Even though he had not know him for that long, he seemed like a guy that hated everyone.

"Good." He replied, not breaking eye contact.

"Let's go to my house." Steve was still wearing Eddie's denim vest. He took Eddie's hand and helped him up, they would have to walk there.

"Do you think Robin and Nancy are alright?"

"I know they are, they're smart when they work together, they'll be fine. I still can't believe we were able to do it." Steve said, his hand still holding Eddie's. But he didn't care, how could he care about anything after what had just happened?

There was a long silence as they walked. They didn't know what time is was, how long they would be walking, or anything.

Eddie broke the silence. "How did we even do it?"

"I think it was because he's killed everyone that he's tried to kill, but we all fought against it, and he wasn't able to kill us? Maybe he couldn't take it? I'm not sure either, all I know is that he's gone, I think it's for good."

Gone for good. He wouldn't come back. They would be okay for a while. The metal head didn't know what would happen with him and the law, but he knew he would have to lay low for a while.  Could they really link Fred's death with him? They probably could, but once they investigated they would know he did nothing.

He wanted to stick by Steve's side. He didn't know why but he felt drawn to him after what they'd been through together. He knew that he'd changed from how he was before. He just knew it. He wasn't the same person that would call him a freak, because he was a freak too, they all were.

Steve looked over to Eddie as they walked. What was this feeling he felt? It must be friendship. Steve didn't have many friends besides Robin, Nancy, and the kids. Steve knew that they were in high school, but they would always be kids to him.

The arrived today Steve's house, and the shorter boy opened the door. Nobody else appeared to be home. The taller boy looked at the clock, which read 2:37. They were so silent, not a word was shared.

Steve walked him to his room. It was very different from where Eddie lived. It was somehow comforting to be surrounded by things linked to Steve. There were things he could just look at and immediately think of him. The room was just very Steve.

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now