12- 𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙚

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"EDDIE!" Steve shouted.

El came with the others from California to save them. He was lucky she came sooner than later, or Nancy, Robin, and him would have been dead. She got them out of the vines, and as soon as he was free, Steve searched for Eddie.

He found him riding a bike, followed by a swarm of demobats. There were so many. He remembered how he had told Eddie not to be a hero. Steve said it not because he thought Eddie couldn't be one, but because he didn't want the person he was falling in love with to die.

He ran after him, a spiked bat in hand. It was his favorite form of weapon. Eddie could die, the demobats would eat him alive. Once Eddie stoped on the bike, Steve caught up to him. He had no idea where Dustin was, but he knew that Eddie had gotten him somewhere safe.

Why would he do this? It wasn't part of the plan. Steve knew that Eddie was planning to sacrifice himself to save the rest of them from the demobats. He couldn't let him die. The world had yet to know how amazing Eddie Munson is, and he couldn't let him die before people had the chance to find out. He had to save him.

He ran in front of the metal head who was now on the ground, blocking him from the demobats in front of him and swinging his bat, knocking a few of them out. "Stay back, you idiot."

Bats swarmed all over, and Eddie was already covered in bites. El moved the bats from afar, resulting in their death. Steve picked Eddie up and carried him away as dead demobats fell from the sky.

"Eddie, what the fuck." Steve said, holding onto shoulders once he sat him down. He was covered in blood and dirt, and he needed badly to be patched up.

The others didn't know what to do. They had tried to kill Vecna through Max's mind, and it didn't work, so El decided she would have to face him and kill him herself. Nobody else could do it without dying. That's what she said before she used their technique of baiting and let him inside her mind. She had to kill him.

"I'm sorry, I had to do something. I can't just be useless and in the way." Eddie said quietly, almost in a whisper.

"No, you're not useless. I need you. And I need you to stay away from danger. I can't lose you." Steve wiped away tears that decided to fall down his face, even though he wanted to stay strong. "I- I can't live a life without you in it, stupid. I'm gonna make sure you're safe, you need to be safe." Steve panicked. "I'm taking you back through the portal, you need help."

Steve brought Eddie back to where the portal was, and while walking there he bumped into a running Dustin.

"Henderson, you alright?" The two asked in sync, concerned.

"Eddie! Why the fuck did you do that, you fucking idiot, oh my god you could have died, man."

Together they brought Eddie through the portal, and Dustin ran to the bathroom to find some bandages.

Steve cleaned Eddie's wounds the best he could, pulling out a few demobat teeth in the process. He put bandages over the bites and scrapes.

"Eddie, you've lost so much blood you need to go to the hospital."

"St- Steve I'm sure I'll be fine."

"No, you have to go to the hospital, idiot."

"Dustin, go back and find the others, make sure El's alright." Steve ordered. "Im taking Eddie to the hospital."

"Alright, bye guys." Dustin went back through the portal, hoping Eddie would be okay.

They walked to the car, Eddie limping, almost unable to walk. Steve assisted him in getting into his car.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna make sure you get help. You're gonna be safe."

"Steve, why are you doing this. Go help the others, like you said, I'm not a hero. But you are. You can help defeat him."

"No, I'm going to help you. I... I love you, Eddie. I couldn't just leave you. A few more minutes and you would be dead."

"I love you too, Steve." He didn't know if Steve meant it in a platonic way or... something else, but it didn't matter in the moment, as he was close to death.

"Stay strong, Eds, you're going to be okay." He reached out his hand to hold Eddie's, his other hand on the wheel.

Eddie took it and squeezed lightly, every muscle in his body barely strong enough to move in the moment.

The two got to the hospital minutes later, and Steve kissed the other on the forehead before he carried Eddie into the hospital so he could receive help as quick as possible. "He needs help, it was an animal attack."

"Aw shit," the nurse said, "I ain't ever seen someone in such a condition with such small bites." The nurse said, getting other nurses to help take him in.

"What's the name."

"Eddie Munson."

"Huh, I've seen a Munson or two in here for drug overdoses in the past."

"Thank you, Steve."

"Don't mention it." Steve said, as they took him in.

Steve sat in the waiting area, worried out of his mind. He knew El would take Vecna on, but he didn't know if she could kill him. Everything in the upside down had gotten stronger, every force had grown more powerful since their last interaction with it, especially the creatures.

He knew he would die for Eddie, but he never thought in a million years that Eddie would try to die for him. He couldn't believe that Eddie would try to sacrifice himself to help them. He wasn't the type of person that could handle all of it, he wasn't use to the upside down, and he hadn't gone through all the shit the rest of them had been though.

Steve loved Eddie, he loved him so, so much. The thought that he could have died without telling him if he felt the same made him want to crumble into a ball. He didn't know what time it was, and soon it felt like he had been there for hours, but he couldn't leave without seeing Eddie.

He knew it was considered wrong, and that it wasn't suppose to happen. He was suppose to end up with Nancy. She was a girl, liked him, she was pretty and she was there. What more could he want? Steve had tried to push it away, he was ashamed,  and he thought his feelings would just go away but they only became stronger with every glance.

But he couldn't help falling for him. He didn't notice it until recently, but it had been happening since he had first laid eyes on him. Eddie appeared to be a monster, a "freak", yet Steve knew he was willing to give up his life for him. He wasn't what people said he was. Eddie was caring, funny, and unbelievably adorable. Steve wanted Eddie to know how he felt. He knew nobody was kind to him besides the group in the upside down, himself, and a few others. He deserved love, he deserves so much of it.

And he did all these little things that made Steve's heart ache with happiness. nothing made him happier than being with Eddie. He made him feel okay again after all the horrible shit he had been through in his life. Eddie made him feel whole again, everything felt okay when he was with him.

What if he didn't make it? Steve began crying quietly. There weren't that many people there, but he still didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He almost felt embarrassed, crying in public. But he didn't know how he could just bottle it up as usual when Eddie could actually die.

Steve cried and cried, and soon he fell asleep in the waiting room chair. He dreamed of Eddie. Eddie in his arms, safe.

I will be making a part 2
Thanks for your time !

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now