8- 𝘿𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Robin, Steve, and Eddie went to a party Jonathan was throwing with Argyle, as they all needed some fun after spring break. They had all reunited after the incident, meaning that the group in California came back to Hawkins.

"Steve, when's the last time you were able to just let go? The Russian incident? That was forever ago." Robin rolled her eyes.

"I just can't party like I use to, Rob. It doesn't appeal to me anymore, but I do need to find a way to relax."

This will be fucking epic, I'm gonna get more high." Eddie declared, as the three walked through the Byers's from door. They knew Joyce wasn't home, as their was loud music and the smell of drugs and alcohol floated to their noses.

Eddie wanted to get some weed, but he had a feeling that it wasn't a good idea so early into the party, and he wanted to hang out with Steve. Robin went to go find Vickie, who she invited.

Steve hadn't been to a party in ages, and he wasn't how he was before. He was no longer popular, and it was more relaxing for him. He had many things on his mind and he felt the need to process the events of spring break, which had only been 2 months prior. He had been hanging out with Eddie more than he expected, and that time that he spent with him seemed to be his only chance to get away from the stress and confusion of life.

He entered the kitchen where drinks were being made and took a beer. He chugged it, and thoughts were still flooding in. Maybe this could make him forget all the terrible shit in his brain, even just for a little while. What would he even do here? Sit in silence and let his brain eat him away? He use to just talk to the ladies at parties, but now he had had no urge to do so. Minutes passed as Steve ignored all the other people in the room, it was getting to crowded for his liking.

Then, the boy threw away the empty bottle as Eddie walked over to him. "Hey Stevie, watcha doing?"

"Just... drinking."

"Alright, well I don't want you to be lonely, so come sit with me." Eddie walked him out of the kitchen. There we are a lot of people, so he took Steve's hand as he guided him out to the deck, which was empty.

"Is Rob with Vickie?" Steve asked, sitting on the floor of the deck.

"Yea, and I think Vickie likes her back."

"Oh- oh you know about... that?"

"Yea, Steve, and I'm not a homophobe. Are you?"

"I use to be, but ever since Robin came out to me... things have been different."

"Good to hear, never though Steve 'the hair' Harrington would accept gay people." Eddie joked.

"Ha, well people change." Steve was nervous.

"I like that."

"Hey, I'll be back in a second. Stay here." Steve said, as he walked back into the house to get more to drink.

He took a few shots with Jonathan, another beer, and a few more shots. Steve wanted to forget about all the shit that had happened it's the upside down, and he wanted to wash this feeling out of his head. The feeling he got when he was around Eddie. He liked Nancy, she was with Jonathan so he could never be with her, but he liked Nancy, I mean not that same way he use to years ago, but he still liked her, right. She was a girl and she was there and he always liked a girl, he couldn't just not like a girl. The stress went away with every sip.

20 minutes later, he came back to Eddie, who was smoking a joint.

"Hey Stevie, you ok?"

"Y-yea I just haven't had alcohol in a looong tiiiime."

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now