4- 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙚

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Steve and Eddie had been dating for a few months, and they were as Dustin said, "completely in love".

(Dustin was in heaven, his two best friends got over their jealousy for each other, and in an ironic way, too. It was like Steve was his mom and Eddie was his dad.)

"Steve" Eddie got his boyfriend's attention. They were at skull rock, hanging out underneath it. Eddie needed nothing to entertain him when he had weed and Steve. "You know girls keep asking you out, right."

"Yes love, they don't know I'm dating you, though. But it is really annoying."

He took Steve's hand. "Is it that hard to see that you're obviously taken and partaking in this epic gay love story with yours truly?"

"The ladies can't resist me, baby." He joked.

Eddie laughed. "Dude, I can't resist you, that's why you're mine. I must stop the girls."

"You can't do that, they mean no harm."

"Oh, you wound me so." Steve loved when Eddie was over-dramatic, he found it funny yet adorable.

"I love you." Steve looked at him with the most loving face.

"I love you too." Eddie put his hands on his boyfriends neck, and Steve loved the cold way his rings felt against his skin.

"Can I kiss you, E?" Steve moved closer to him on the ground.

"I would love that." Steve smiled and kissed his boyfriend.

Steve loved kissing Eddie, and it was better than with any girl he had been with. It's surprising how perfect they are together, how their faces fit perfectly together.

It got more intense, as it went from a kiss to a make out. Steve moved his hands to Eddie's hair, and moved to his boyfriends lap.

"You know you're mine right, I don't care about those girls." Steve said, panting as he pulled away.

"I know, I just have jealousy issues."

"I know baby, it's ok, I know you're working on it."

"I've never had a person who just wanted to be with me like I wanted them to, because I apparently was never good enough, so sometimes it feels too good to be true."

Steve knew that Eddie was vulnerable talking about things like this, feelings. He wanted so badly to hurt whoever had hurt him.

"Eddie" Steve put his hand on his boyfriend's face. "I only want you."

"And I only want you." He kissed him.

"Are you scared that someone will find out?" Eddie asked.

"No, because we've been through worse shit than bullies, and don't worry, I'll protect you.

"Bold of you to assume I need protection, Harrington, I'm a grown ass man." The vulnerability had quickly faded away.

"Says the one who ran away."

"Alright, whatever, but I'll protect you too."

"Aww, that's kinda gay."

"Was that not obvious from the start?" The two laughed.

"All honesty, it'll be best not tell anyone besides the others and the kids about our relationship, but if word does get out, we'll be okay." The was a silence as Steve changed position and cuddled up to Eddie.

"Forgot to tell you, I made you a mixtape." He took a cassette tape out of his pocket and handed it to his boyfriend. "You know, to show you good music."

Steve smiled, as it warmed his heart to think of how Eddie put in time to make something for him. He put it in his pocket while saying, "I listen to good music."

"Sure you do, Stevie."

The two boyfriends laughed and talked for hours until it was dark. It was cold as they walked to Steve's car together. Without Steve even saying anything, Eddie gave him his leather jacket. He liked it when Steve wore his clothes.

"Why don't you wear that handkerchief anymore?" Steve asked, remembering how he use to have it forever.

"I'll answer if you don't judge me." Nobody's opinion mattered, except Steve's.

"Handkerchief code- it's so other gay dudes would know that I'm gay."


"That's why I don't have it showing anymore."

Steve didn't know how to feel about that. The only guy he had had sex with was Eddie because he had only been with women before, and he didn't know how many other people he had been with, and he was suddenly insecure and shy as he opened the car door for Eddie.

"Aw, don't worry Stevie, it was the best with you."

"Actually?" He asked, starting the car.

"Yes. Would you like to know why?"

"Yes, do tell."

"Because with you it was with emotions and it was with love. It wasn't like that with anyone else, and that's one of the many reasons why I'm in love with you, it's because you made something that use to be meaningless to me into something special."

"I'm so in love with you."

"Steve, please tell me why you're making m heart feel mushy. You are not helping my tough guy appearance."


When they got to Steve's house, Steve got out of the car and opened the passenger door for his boyfriend.

"E, my parents are asleep so we have to sneak in. We need to be quiet."

"You know I'm bad at being quiet." Eddie said, in a seductive tone.

Steve punched him in the shoulder and took his hand as he walked toward the house. Eddie tripped up the stairs and Steve tried not to laugh. He punched him in the arm, and started laughing himself. The other boy covered the other's mouth.

They stayed silent and made it to Steve's room. The two sat on Steve's bed. "Uh- my parents are homophobic, not like the usual homophobic, they're next level homophobes."

"Hey, it's okay, I won't let them find out. I'm just your platonic buddy."

Steve rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriend, pinning him underneath him.

"That's not very platonic of you, Steven," Eddie said, still under his boyfriend. "If I wasn't a totally straight dude, I might even suspect that you have homosexual intentions."

"My intentions are to make you love me forever."

"But I want kisses first." Eddie said, and Steve smiled and went back to kissing him. Every kiss shared between them was special, and so comforting.

They finally decided to sleep, Steve spooning Eddie in his bed. Eddie could hear his boyfriend's breathing adjust, and he knew he had fallen asleep. "God, I'm so happy you're mine." He whispered to the love of his life before drifting off into sleep himself.


I have mixed feelings on if I like this or hate it, but thanks for spending your time to read it...

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now